Winchester & Colt - Chapters 9-11 (3/3)

Jul 08, 2009 23:45

1-4   |   5-8   |   9-11   |   Master Post & Soundtrack

Chapter Nine - Little Of Your Time

The next day, Jared woke up with a groan. There was a general ache throughout his entire body and his stomach turned before it growled. And god damn, did he have to pee! He slowly rolled out of bed, then realized that it wasn’t his bed, and last night slowly came back to him.

He groaned again and clutched his head. But time to worry later. He needed a bathroom first of all.

His feet hit the cold ground and he frowned, not remembering taking off any part of his clothes. Yet still his jacket was hanging off a chair and his shoes and socks were placed neatly next to it. Jared was pretty sure that he couldn’t have done that himself - and he intensely regretted not remembering Jensen undressing him.

There was a note taped to the door on his left, so he slowly got up and padded towards it. It read ‘bathroom’ and he let out a relieved sigh, entering right away and going straight to the bathroom. There were clothes lying on top of it and he pushed them out of the way while opening the lid simultaneously.

Afterwards, he felt better and glanced back down at the clothes. Sweatpants and a shirt. Jensen must have laid them out for him. He opened the cabinet and found a fresh tube of toothpaste and a still wrapped toothbrush. Okay… either Jensen had houseguests quite frequently, or he was just prepared for anything. Jared wasn’t sure which he preferred.

No wait, he did.

Shrugging, he broke out the toothbrush and cleaned himself up best he could. He was tempted to take a shower - there were fresh towels and hotel sized bottles of shampoo and shower gel, which frankly, was just a little bit disturbing - but he didn’t want to overstretch his welcome.

He did, however, change into the clothes, relishing in the fact that they came without underwear. Maybe Jensen would make him pay for his night here. And on second thoughts, Jared probably should have showered after all.

When he padded outside to seek out the kitchen, he was led there by the strong smell of coffee emanating from it, and greeted by Jensen in sweats and a plain white tee, leaning against the counter and cupping his mug with both hands, inhaling the steam.

He wasn’t wearing his glasses and his hair was completely unkempt, neither Jensen-office-hair, nor the spiked up Winchester-do. Jensen just looked so young and innocent. Like a random guy, not like his boss or his idol. Jared melted on the spot.

“Morning,” he greeted.

Jensen blinked at him. “Risen from the dead?” He reached next to him and put on his glasses, then looked Jared up and down. “You could have taken a shower.”

Jared blushed and scratched his arm. “Wasn’t sure.” He tugged on his slightly too tight faded-gray shirt and wondered if it was Jensen’s. And if he should offer it back. “What’s with the tiny bottles? You snatched them from hotels?” He asked instead.

“Maid bought them.” Jensen shrugged. “Never thought I’d need them though.” He poured a mug for Jared and Jared walked over to accept it gratefully.

“So I take it you don’t have random guys sleep over a lot?” Jared couldn’t help asking.

“Nope.” Jensen’s face was nondescript.

“So, uh, girls?”

Jensen raised his eyebrows, then. “You asking me if I get laid? Seriously?”

Jared bit his lip, shrugging. It was important information! But apparently Jensen didn’t like to share. “Just… uh, making small talk, is all.” He took a sip of his coffee.

Jensen snorted and rolled his eyes. “Should have done that last night.”

“Yeah…” Jared grinned sheepishly. “Sorry about that.” He passed a hand through his hair. “Didn’t know it was a test.” He really should have said something!

“Jared… You want to be a vigilante, you always have to be alert.” Jensen put his mug down. “Always.”

“But if you’d said…” Jared knew he should shut up and take the lecture, but it was just not in his nature.

“You can’t depend on me all the time. I’m not gonna be around to baby-sit you every step of the way.” Jensen pushed away from the counter and went to the fridge, turning his back to Jared. “When I think your training is over, you’re on your own. You realize that, right?”

Jared swallowed hard. No. By the time training was over, he’d be so used to Jared, that he wouldn’t want to be alone anymore. Or maybe… maybe at least they could team up from time to time. Why would Jensen even want to go out and risk his life alone when he could have Jared to have his back?

“Jared?” Jensen turned and Jared realized he hadn’t answered.

“I… I know.” Because any other answer might result in Jensen taking back his offer and throwing him out right now.

Jensen nodded, obviously satisfied. “Eggs for breakfast? You’ll need protein, I have quite the workout planned for you today.” He turned again, but not before Jared could spot the evil grin on his face.

Jared groaned silently. “Sure.” Then again… hey, this meant he’d spend all day at Jensen’s? Training with Winchester? His day was looking up. And hopefully after breakfast he’d feel just a little less sick.

He didn’t really, though, and when Jensen first made him lift weights and bench press for an hour before he spent another hour swimming laps in the pool, Jared just knew this was torture and plain payback for the night before. Even though Jared didn’t puke in his car, or in the bed, or at all, because thankfully his stomach was made of steel.

Sadly the rest of his body wasn’t. When he climbed out of the water, he was shaking with exhaustion and could only glare at Jensen, who was smirking at him.

“Alright.” He nodded. “At least this one you’ve passed. You proved that you can still push yourself, even under extreme circumstances.”

Jared was startled. Really? A compliment? He smiled. “So I’m not such a failure after all, eh? I will make a good hero?”

“Don’t push your luck.” But Jensen was still smiling as he threw a towel at him. “Take a shower, then we’ll have lunch.”

“Sweet.” Jared toweled his hair, then wrapped the towel around his waist and went upstairs to take a shower. His legs were still weak, but he felt a little better afterwards. When he got out of the bathroom, Jensen had left him a new shirt, but still the same sweatpants, so apparently the torture was not quite over yet.

But he was all willing to prove to Jensen that he was far from done - even if he felt pretty much dead - and he’d do anything to get more approval out of him. He still had to make up for last night. At the next party he’d mingle and blend and squeeze as much information out of anyone he talked to!

That was, if Jensen would ever take him again. But he would, right? He had to, if it was part of his training and all. He couldn’t just give up on him after one failed trial run, could he? Nah. Jared shook his head, deciding to stop worrying. Besides, it was lunch time now and if last night was anything to go by, rich people knew of delicious food.

Although when he got into the kitchen, Jensen was sitting there with two pizza boxes. Jared rubbed his eyes. “You ordered pizza?”

“Well, yeah.” Jensen frowned. “Why? Don’t tell me you don’t eat pizza.”

“Uhm, no…” Jared bit his lip. Now how could he possibly phrase it? “I just, uh… didn’t think they’d even deliver to your street.”

”Why? What’s wrong with my…” Jensen stopped. “Oh right, I get it! Rich people don’t order pizza. Rich people have chefs to cook for them. Rich people eat caviar with tablespoons every night.”

Jared didn’t say anything, just sat down at the table opposite Jensen. Because… uhm… yeah? How the fuck would he know?

“Seriously, your people skills are for shit.” Jensen shook his head.

“That’s not true! I get along great with everybody, usually.” Jared huffed. He did!

“Yeah? Name three friends you have at work.” Jensen raised his eyebrow.

“Sandy.” Jared started, then frowned. “Uhm, Dave and… and Tony.”

“Tony and Dave?” Jensen smirked. “Do you even know their last names?”

No, he didn’t. Because he never really talked to those morons. “I don’t need to know their last names. I don’t have to address them with ‘sir’ and ‘mister’ like my boss.” Jared glared.

“Right.” Jensen nodded, but he was way too gleeful, obviously not buying it.

Jared seethed. Just because he didn’t have all too many friends, didn’t mean he couldn’t get them, if he wanted to. He used to be popular. He had so many friends at high school. But then, after his father got sick and he had to work, and all his friends went to college and he didn’t… maybe he got a little bitter. But still. “You don’t have any friends, either.”

“You don’t know that.” Jensen opened a box, casually taking a slice. “Because you don’t know me.”

“Well, do you?” Jared grabbed a slice as well. Pepperoni and pineapple. Yum!

Jensen sighed. “No, but that’s my choice.”

“Ah, just as it is my choice not to have any either.” Jared licked some sauce off his fingers, startled when Jensen seemed to flush.

“But I’m not pretending to…” Jensen waved his hand. “You know what? Just forget it. This is pointless. Let’s just talk about your schedule for the rest of the day.”

Jared nodded. Yeah, that sounded like a better plan. “You’re taking me with you tonight, right?”

“No, I’m not.” Jensen gave him a look.

“But you promised! You promised last night!” And they made it inside safely.

“Remember that, eh?” Jensen chuckled. “Damn.”

Jared smiled. “I remember everything.” Although, okay, no. Some scenes were all fuzzy and mixed up with hallucinations. Like kissing Jensen. He certainly didn’t do that. No way.

Although, with the way Jensen was suddenly squirming, maybe he did? There was also still the question of just who took off his shoes and jacket and when did Jensen bring him fresh clothes?

“Alright then,” Jensen sighed. “Still not taking you though, sorry.”

“What? But you promised!” Jared threw his piece of pizza back into the box angrily.

“I know…” Jensen bit his lip. “And I’m sorry, Jared. Really. I shouldn’t have promised. It’s just… where I go tonight… it’s too dangerous for you. You still don’t have your bulletproof clothing.”

“Bullshit.” Jared huffed. “You’re never gonna take me, are you?”

“No, Jared!” Jensen held up his hands, trying to calm him down. “I will, I promise.” Jensen bit his lip again. “Honest promise this time. Just… just not tonight. I can’t.”

“Why?” Jared didn’t understand. What was so special about tonight? He narrowed his eyes. Jensen knew about a heist, didn’t he? “What do you know?”

“I know I have to do this alone.” Jensen’s face hardened. “And that’s that. No discussion.”

“Fine.” Whatever Jensen said. What did it matter if he took him? Jared did all fine following him by himself before. No difference now.

“So, when you’re done I was thinking target practice and then I’ll show you some self-defense moves?” Jensen offered.

Jared shrugged. Whatever. “Fine.” His voice had softened though. Because that actually didn’t sound half bad.

And the shooting lesson was pretty fun. Jared had improved a lot and Jensen noticed as well. And told him as much! Although maybe he still just felt bad for the botched promise. Then again, this was Jensen Ackles. It would be the first time he’d felt bad about turning Jared down.

Self-defense mostly consisted of Jensen throwing or kicking Jared down hard, and he spent more time lying flat and defeated on the gym mat than standing on it. And sadly it was all ‘professional’. No fun gym mat sharing with Jensen. At all.

Jared sighed after he landed flat on his back for the, what was it now? Twentieth time? Not counting him falling flat on his face. He looked up at Jensen, not even really breaking a sweat, smirking down at him triumphantly. And he had to admit that apparently you couldn’t really learn anything by watching kung fu DVDs and relying on your height advantage.

He sat, but didn’t stand up yet. “Where did you learn this?” He asked Jensen. “I mean, it’s not any style I recognize. Your movements are way too lithe for any fighter I’ve seen. It’s almost like you’re dancing, sometimes.” And he didn’t mean just now, since Jensen didn’t get to show off all too much, because Jared was defeated way too easily. But Jared thought back of all the times he’d watched him from afar. He needed to know, because he had to go there, as well!

Jensen’s face fell and he passed his hands through his hair. “You really wanna know?”

“Yes.” Jared frowned. What was his big secret? Trained by a secret monk society in the Himalayans?

“I kinda…” Jensen looked away, biting his lip, considering, before he sat down next to Jared. “I kinda owe it to my uncle.”

Jared’s eyebrows flew up. “Your uncle trained you?” If he expected anything, that was not it.

Jensen laughed, but it sounded anything but happy. “Fuck no.” He shook his head, looking away again. “My uncle… he had a twisted sense of humor. So when I told him I wanted to take karate, he made me join a ballet group as well, or else he wouldn’t have allowed it.”

“Ballet? But that makes no sense.” Jared stretched his legs, because, damn, sitting hurt. Also… ballet?

“For him, it did.” Jensen shrugged, not elaborating any further. “Anyways, it was actually a good thing. Helped my sense of coordination and all. Made me a better fighter.” He grinned. “Sometimes I wish I could tell him so he’d choke on it.”

Jared tentatively smiled back. He didn’t know what to say. Because he had no idea what to make of Jensen’s uncle, the criminal. The criminal who raised the masked hero. Who told a young boy to take ballet when he wanted to learn karate. And Jeffrey Morgan really didn’t seem like a supporter of the fine arts.

And Jensen never talked fondly of him. He was still looking pretty stricken now, so Jared tried to lighten the mood again. “So, can you still do a pliet? And those, uh, twirls?”

Jensen glared at him. “Shut up.”

”No seriously. I wanna see it. Will you put on your tutu for me, Jensen?” Jared nudged him, smirking to show him that it was all in good fun, no mean teasing. Because now that he thought about it, maybe that was why Morgan made him take the classes. To crush his possible new self-esteem spouting from karate. Then again, how sick do you have to be? He was Jensen’s uncle. He was raising him!

“Fuck you.” Jensen pushed back, a lot harder than Jared expected, and he ended up falling over.

“Ow!” Jared whined, not even bothering to roll back up in a sitting position.

“You done for today?” Jensen’s voice held an edge of glee. That bastard.

Jared winced. He wanted to say no, really, really did, but… “I think so, yeah.”

“Alright.” Jensen slapped his leg. Hard. Jared winced again. “I assume you wanna take another shower before you leave?”

Staying right here and passing out wasn’t really an option, was it? Jared sighed and nodded. And then, to his surprise, Jensen helped him up.

“You did well today, Jared.” Jensen clapped him on the back. “A lot better than I expected, after last night.”

Jared blinked, not knowing what to make of this. Yet another compliment? Wow! “Thanks.” His chest flooded with warmth and he smiled silently to himself, not wanting to show how much it really meant to him and risk Jensen getting snarky again.

All in all, today had been a damn good day. And it wasn’t over yet.

Chapter Ten - I Can’t Decide

As soon as Jared was home, he pumped himself up on energy drinks and power bars, so he’d be able to follow Jensen - Winchester - later. It wasn’t just that he was stubborn, because the urge to stay in and fall into bed was strong, but he just had a bad feeling about this. Like Jensen was purposefully putting himself into danger.

More than usual.

So Jared put on his mask and costume and was out the door looking for him. He was in luck, too, because not even thirty minutes later he spotted suspicious activity in one of the warehouses owned by Ackles, Inc. It was supposed to be closed and empty by night, yet he could see light flickering through the windows.

Jared inched closer, crouching down underneath one of them and waiting, because he could hear faint voices. He concentrated, drowning out all other outside noises, until he could listen in.


One of them was definitely Jensen, the other, he couldn’t discern.

“…wanna know why you’re framing me.” Jensen was saying.

“You make an easy target.” The other voice replied. “Besides, the irony is just too good.”

Silence. Then, “What do you mean?”

“Oh please, Jenny. I know it’s you. So you can take off that ridiculous mask of yours and face me like a man.”

Outside, Jared gulped. This couldn’t be good.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jensen replied, voice cold.

“Jenny, Jenny, Jenny,” the second voice was mocking. “How stupid do you think I am? I know you, know how you think, know what you’re capable of.”

”You have no idea what I am capable of.” Jensen replied and Jared flinched. He sounded menacing.

The other man just laughed though. “Besides, we have the same suppliers. Imagine my surprise when one of them told me about my super paranoid nephew needing custom-fit bullet-proof clothing.”

Nephew? Ah fuck! Jared knew who the second person was. Jeffrey Morgan. The man with the cigar. … The cigar! That’s how Jensen knew! Dammit! He should have told him. Jared could have helped, with whatever this was.

“And it was all clear when Marco told me about you purchasing a rifle.” Morgan sorted. “I might have bought you’ve grown paranoid, but you would never buy a gun. Not after what happened to your parents.” There was another pause. “Unless, of course, you needed it to do good.” And the last sounded so dirty, so wrong.

“What do you want?” Jensen’s voice had changed. Now he just sounded tired and sad, similar to the day after he found out Jared knew.

“Oh, Jenny-boy, what do I want?” Morgan’s voice was still mocking. “That’s the big question, isn’t it?”

“Just tell me so we can get this over with.” Jensen’s voice was closer to the window now and Jared crouched down lower, really not wanting to be caught right now.

“Still the old spoil-sport, eh? No fun for you.” Morgan tsked. “But that’s alright. More fun for me.” He laughed again. It was a deep, rumbling sound, but held no real humor in it. “But what do I want? I wasn’t so sure at first. Unmask you, give you up to the authorities?” Jared gasped and quickly clamped his mouth shut. Damn!

“But then I thought, what’s in it for me?” Morgan continued. “Besides the fun of it, that was.” Jared could practically see the grin on his face. What an ass! “So then I came up with a bigger plan. A better plan.” Morgan paused, probably for dramatic effect. “I’ll sabotage your company, wait till your shares drop to the floor because everyone thinks Winchester has a grudge against you and will keep fucking with your property, so then I buy in big. And once I’m majority shareholder, I’ll kick you out and then, when you’ve lost your company, then I will unmask you.”

Jensen didn’t say anything and Jared shivered. This man was Jensen’s uncle? His only remaining family? He felt incredibly bad for Jensen.

“But there’s one big flaw with my plan, isn’t there, Jenny?”

“What’s that, Jeff?” And Jared bet Jensen already knew.

“You hold sixty-five percent of your own shares. And you will never sell them, no matter how low they drop, will you?” Morgan almost sounded disappointed.

“I most certainly won’t.” Jensen sounded smug. Good for him. “So now you can stop and focus your criminal energy elsewhere.”

“You’d like that, now, wouldn’t you, Jenny?” Jared bit his lip. This didn’t sound good. “But don’t worry, I’ve already set my goals elsewhere.”

“Good,” Jensen sounded relieved. Jared was still worried though and he had a feeling Jensen should be, too.

“Yeah? I think so, too.” Morgan was grinning again. By now Jared could tell. “Do you wanna hear my new plan, Jenny?”

’Say no!’ Jared silently begged. ’Just say no and leave.’

“Tell me.”

“I came up with it just yesterday, you must know. And it’s quite genius, if you ask me.” Morgan moved something inside the room, Jared couldn’t tell what. “It involves your little friends.”

“Don’t you dare!” Jensen seethed.

“Ah, Jenny, but I would.” He chuckled. “It goes like this. You sign over all your shares to me, and I let them live.”

“No.” Jensen’s voice had hardened again. “Go ahead. They don’t mean anything to me.”

Jared looked around, searching for something he could climb up on. He had to get closer and look inside. He had to know who they were talking about.

“No?” Morgan asked. “You’re telling me you won’t care if I end little Miss McCoy here, maybe have a little fun with her myself, first?”

Jared winced. Fuck! Sandy!

“And then I’ll move on to your new boytoy. You don’t care about him, either?” Morgan continued and Jared frowned. Boytoy? Who the hell were they talking about? “I saw the way you look at him, Jenny. I know you’re bluffing.”

“No, I’m…” Jensen sounded stricken. Even Jared, who couldn’t even see him right now, knew he was lying. “I’m not. They don’t mean anything to me.”

“Oh, really?” There was movement again and Jared had to strain to hear the rest, because Morgan’s voice had dropped. “I’ll make a video then, and send it to you. Maybe include some body parts as well.”

There was a strangled sound, pained and angry, mixed with a wild roar until suddenly there was a loud crash. “I’ll kill you. I’ll fucking kill you!” Jensen was screaming and Jared couldn’t stop himself anymore. He quickly stacked the boxes near him and climbed up, being able to peer through the window in time to see Jensen beating up his uncle, who was lying in a heap on the floor.

The strangest thing was, Morgan was laughing. “No, you won’t.” Morgan kicked out his legs, causing Jensen to tumble backwards. In no time at all, Morgan was back on his feet again. “You can’t kill me, Jenny-boy. You know that.”

”Give me one good reason.” Jensen was in fighting stance, fists raised, circling him.

“Because I raised you. Because I’m the only family you have left.” Morgan grinned again, and now that Jared could actually see it, it was even dirtier than he’d pictured it. “Because you, unlike me, are not a killer.”

”Watch me.” Jensen reached for his Winchester and Jared gulped.

Oh no! This was bad. This was really, really bad. Jensen wouldn’t. Would he? Maybe he should? Jared thought of Morgan’s criminal record, all the dropped charges, thought of Sandy, thought of that man hurting her, and he knew. Jensen would.

“You’ve already framed me for murder, what’s one more on my slate?” Jensen cocked his gun and Jared could watch the grin slowly fade from Morgan’s face.

“Now listen, Jenny…”

“My name’s Jensen.” Jensen took aim, his finger on the trigger, and Jared paled. He was gonna be sick.

He couldn’t… Jared just couldn’t let him do this. He knew Jensen would regret it for the rest of his life, even if Morgan might deserve it. Jensen was not the one supposed to execute it. “Jensen, don’t!” Jared yelled and both men’s heads whipped around to stare at him.

“Jared? What the fuck?” And while Jensen was startled for a second, Morgan had enough time to jump behind his desk and reach for … fuck! And reach for the gun he’d hidden there.

“Jensen, watch out! He has a gun!” He banged against the window frantically, trying to distract Morgan. And it worked. For a second, he looked up at him, cocked his head, aimed the gun at him. Aimed the gun at him. “Jensen, run!” Jared screamed, before he banged against the window one last time, really hoping that Morgan was slow, or maybe the glass would deflect the bullet, because Jared was not hiding, before he knew Jensen was safe.

“Jared, duck!” Jensen yelled, then scrambled out of the room and just as Jared saw him leave, his gaze fell onto a large picture of him lying on the floor, right next to shots of Sandy. He frowned, then there was a loud whoosh over his head and the glass shattered all around him.

Jared stumbled and the boxes gave way underneath him. He dropped to the ground with a loud bang, conscious enough to protect himself best he could and roll to the side right away, away from the glass and the boxes threatening to crush him. Jensen’s lessons paid out, he realized, when he sprang up, only slightly hurt.

And thankfully Morgan was a bad shot. Or the glass did deter the bullet. Or today was his lucky day.

Jared didn’t know. But as he stood there, kinda paralysed, still shocked about the events taking place just moments ago, Jensen was suddenly by his side, dragging him off, forcing him to run.

“You idiot. You stupid idiot!” Jensen pushed him forward a little too hard and Jared almost fell. He caught himself though and together they ran away. “I told you to stay away.”

Jared risked a sideways glance at him. Jensen was… he didn’t even know. Jensen looked as spooked and shaken up as Jared felt. Just also angrier. A lot angrier. Jared shuddered, briefly considering if maybe it would have been better if Morgan’s bullet had hit him. But by the time Jensen finally stopped them in one of the many side alleys they had passed, both of them panting, Jared knew just what to say.

“Wait!” He raised his hands soothingly, taking a step away from Jensen just in case. “Before you say anything, hear me out. I have a plan.”

Chapter Eleven - Say When

Two day later, past office hours, Jensen was meeting his uncle in his office. Partially because the building had a metal detector installed, partially because this was an official appointment, so it should take place in a proper office.

“Jenny!” Jeffrey Morgan spread his arms out in greeting after he entered. “Come give your uncle a hug.”

Jensen remained sitting behind his desk. “You’ll excuse me for choosing not to.”

Morgan laughed. “Whatever.” He sat down opposite him. “You have the documents?”

“Right here.” Jensen was pushing them across the desk. “But let’s clarify the rules again. I sign over all my shares of Ackles, Inc. to you and in turn you leave my friends alone?”

Morgan nodded, skimming over the paper. “As soon as my lawyers confirm the transaction, yes.”

Jensen ground his teeth. “Otherwise you’ll…”

“Aw, you wanna hear it again, Jenny-boy?” Morgan pushed the papers back and leaned closer. “If anything is fishy about this, and I mean anything at all, your assistant will suffer so much, she’ll wish she was dead. And then, when I’ve had my fun, I’ll grant her her wish. And then I’ll move on to your boyfriend. And anyone else I find out you care for. Anyone at all.” He grinned.

Jensen closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “Just tell me one last thing.”

Morgan leaned back and raised his eyebrow.

“Why?” Jensen shook his head. “Why do you want my company? Don’t you have enough of your own?”

“Ah, Jenny,” Morgan sighed. “You still don’t get it, do you? I want it, because it’s yours. And you don’t deserve it. You don’t deserve anything.”

“But why?” Jensen’s voice had gotten small. “What did I ever do to you? I always tried to be a good kid. I never did anything wrong.”

“Yes, you did.” Morgan stood up now, pushing the chair back. “You survived!”

“What?” Jensen got up as well, passing his hands through his hair. “How is that my fault?”

“Because you shouldn’t have. You should have been with them, that day. Nobody told me you were at a stupid kid’s birthday party.” Morgan spat back and Jensen paled.

“What?” he sat back down. “I don’t… what… what are you saying?”

“Oh, you don’t know?” Morgan’s voice was sugary sweet. “You never guessed that I had your precious parents killed? That I hated you so much, because you were the only thing standing in my way of finally earning what was rightfully mine?”

“The estate?” Jensen sunk down lower in his chair. “This was always about the money?”

“It was my money. Mine!” Morgan kicked against the desk. “Your mother stole it from me. And then you stole it from me all over again, because I couldn’t kill you. Fuck!”

“Why not?” Jensen sounded like maybe that would have been better, like he wished he died with his parents.

“Because suddenly there was all the media attention. All eyes on you. Lawyers, all around you. You inherited it all, and I was left with the lousy allowance I’d gotten for raising you. Let me tell you, Jenny.” Morgan leaned across the desk. “If it weren’t for that, I would have kicked your sorry ass out right away. Whiny little brat.”

“You know, Jeffrey, there was a time, when I would have given it to you.” Jensen sat up straighter again, looking resigned.

Morgan sat back down. “No, you wouldn’t.”

Jensen placed his arms on top of the desk, folding his hands, a sad smile on his face. “I would have, if I’d known it would make you love me.” He looked away. “You were the only family I had, you know?”

Morgan snorted. “But you still cut me out of your will as soon as you were old enough to do so.”

“’Course I did.” Jensen shrugged. “Because you’re a filthy, undeserving criminal. A killer. Why would I leave you anything?”

“Because I’m the only family you have left?” Morgan suggested.

“You stopped being family a long time ago.” Jensen sighed. Then he picked up a pen. “Let’s just get this over with, shall we?”

Morgan waved his hand. “It’s all that I came in for.”

Jensen nodded, then he signed the documents, transferring his shares over to Morgan. “I’d say I hope I’ll never see you again, but that’d be futile, wouldn’t it?” Jensen handed him the papers.

Morgan grinned. “Whenever you’re back up on your feet, whenever you let yourself be happy, even just a little bit, I’ll be there to crush you again.” He grabbed the papers, checked the signature and then stood up. “I’ll only be satisfied when I own everything that’s yours. Every tiny bit.”

“But they will be safe now?” Jensen looked up at him.

“A deal’s a deal.” Morgan nodded. “Even with me.” He winked and turned to leave. Then he hesitated on the door and turned once again. “One thing you should know though, hero.”

Jensen’s eyes narrowed and he clenched his hands to fists. “What? You still have more?”

Morgan smirked. “It’s all on you, you know? All the people I’ve hurt, everyone I’ve killed, the lives I’ve ruined? If you had just died like you were supposed to, none of it would have happened.”

“You can’t pin that on me. You were a murderer before!” Jensen was visibly shaking now. “You killed my parents!”

“And it would have stopped there.” Morgan cocked his finger like a gun and aimed at Jensen, ‘shooting it off’ with another wink. “Think about that, Jenny-boy.”

Then he was out the door, and Jensen was left alone behind his desk, deathly pale, still shaking.

Jared almost clawed off his own skin waiting for Morgan to finally leave, to finally be out of the office, out of sight and out of earshot. He turned off the camera and hurried into Jensen’s office as soon as he could. “Jensen, are you…”

“Did you get it?” Jensen looked at him, eyes unfocused.

“Everything.” Jared nodded, stopping a few feet away, unsure if Jensen wanted comfort. “And the shares? Are you sure you can oppose the contract?”

“Positive.” Jensen got up from behind his desk, wavering a little. Jared immediately crossed the distance, trying to steady him, but Jensen pushed him away. “Go away.”

Jared opened his mouth to say something, but then bit his lip. Jensen might be deathly pale, but he was also still volatile. “So, uh, the shares?” He walked back to his old spot.

“He used blackmail to get them, it won’t be valid.” Jensen stood up straighter, then smirked a little. “Besides, I used invisible ink. My signature should vanish in an hour.”

Jared was unsure if it was appropriate for him to laugh, but if Jensen was cracking a joke... “You didn’t!”

Jensen shrugged. “No, really. I did.” He threw the pen at Jared. “This company is all I got, everything I accomplished all on my own. I’ll be damned before I let him take it from me.”

Jared frowned. “So you’d have let him hurt Sandy?”

Jared regretted his question the second Jensen narrowed his eyes. “He’d already be dead if it wasn’t for you, Jared. So be careful now.” Jensen lowered his voice. “Very careful.”

Holding up his hands, Jared took a few steps back, towards the office door. Yeah. Probably not a good idea to aggravate Jensen right now. And it had been damn stupid of him to ask. Jensen would never put his company first and risk Sandy getting hurt. He wasn’t so sure about himself, though. He wasn’t even sure why Morgan had taken a picture of him to begin with.

But Jared was still sure that it had been the right decision to not let Jensen kill his uncle. It just wasn’t his burden to carry.

“So we’ll give the tape to the authorities and let them deal with it?” Jared asked.

“I will, yes.” Jensen reached for his phone. “Me, and my lawyers. There’s nothing more for you to do, so I strongly suggest you head on home.”

The violence was still strong in his voice and Jared involuntarily flinched. And he should take the cue. “Alright. I’ll see you later?”

“You better hope not.” Jensen turned away and started dialling, most likely his law firm’s number.

And there was nothing else for Jared to do but leave.

He didn’t understand, though. Why was Jensen still so mad at him? This had all been Jared’s plan. Morgan seemed the type who just loved talking, bragging about his evil plans. And it worked. So really, what was the problem? Jensen didn’t have a death on his conscience and Morgan would go behind bars for a hopefully very long time.

But Morgan had loved talking maybe a bit too much. Jared shivered again just thinking about what he’d said about Jensen’s parents. Jared didn’t know much about how they died, or why. So he had no idea if Morgan was just bluffing, if he wanted Jensen to suffer some more, and this was all a sick mind game, or if he was really responsible for their death.

Jared couldn’t even imagine it. Have his own sister killed? That was beyond sick and twisted, that was just… unthinkable.

But Jeffrey Morgan… Jared just didn’t know.

The more he thought about it though… true or not, it had shaken Jensen up badly. And he shouldn’t be alone in dealing with this. But there was nobody Jensen could talk to, nobody who knew about this, knew about Jensen and his secrets. Nobody but Jared.


Jared pushed himself up from his couch and went to change into his costume. Then, at the last minute, thought better of it and put on the jeans, but put a casual hoodie on instead of the plaid shirt. He pocketed the mask though. You never knew.

By the time he had finally arrived in front of Jensen’s estate, he briefly considered going back home. Jensen might kill him. But chances were higher that Jensen needed him. He just had to risk it.

Thankfully Jensen lived in a very private area and Jared really hoped none of his neighbors were peeking out their windows with spyglasses right now. Pulling his hoodie tight, Jared stalked Jensen’s gate and the surrounding bushes until he found a place from which he could safely sneak inside.

Jensen’s car was in the driveway and the lights were on in at least one of the rooms. So Jensen was home. Good. His instinct didn’t fail him. At first he thought Jensen would be out punching the hell out of random thugs, but no. He was too shaken up. And after all the lessons on self-control and never losing your head, Jensen would hide out here instead. Where it was safe for him, and safe for others from him.

So maybe Jared really, really shouldn’t enter, but, well… he’d memorized Jensen’s security codes the last time they entered the house. He wasn’t sure if Jensen wanted him to know them, or if he didn’t care that he could see, because he didn’t know of Jared’s uncanny memory skills, but it didn’t matter. Because he was inside now.

Jensen wasn’t hard to find. Jared just followed the noises emitting from his TV and found him sitting on his couch, wrapped up in a blanket, bottle of tequila in his hands, stray, empty cans of beer littering the ground. Jensen was staring straight ahead, eyes unfocused, most likely not even aware of what channel he had tuned in.

“Go away.” Jensen murmured, not looking up, not flinching. Apparently not even surprised that Jared was here.

“No.” Jared sat down next to him, keeping a safe distance. He helped himself to a beer and glanced at Jensen. God damn, he was so pale. And still shivering. “What are we watching?”

Jensen blinked. “Dunno.” He frowned a little, blinked again. “TV.”

“Cool.” Uh-oh. Jared took a sip of his beer, Jensen took a large gulp out of his bottle.

They stayed silent for a long time, Jensen staring straight ahead, Jared watching Jensen out of the corner of his eyes, itching to reach out, to make conversation, anything. Anything to snap him out of this. But something told him that he had to wait for Jensen to be ready first.

And after a while, Jensen spoke. Jared was so startled, and Jensen’s voice was so soft, that he’d have missed it, had he not been staring at Jensen’s lips and found them moving. “What?” Jared asked.

“I asked you why, Jared.” Jensen repeated, voice scratchy, hoarse.

“Why what?” Why was he here? Why was Morgan such an inhuman bastard? Why what?

“Why do you want to be a hero? Why put on a cape and risk your life for others?” Jensen took another gulp of tequila, then put the bottle down and reached for a beer instead.

“Uh…” Jared shrugged. “I want to help. I feel it’s my duty to…”

”Bullshit!” Jensen threw his can across the room and it crashed against the wall. Jared flinched. “I want the real reason, Jared. Tell me the truth, or get the fuck out of here.” Jensen turned his head, and for the first time tonight, really looked at Jared.

Which should be a good thing, except for it had Jared squirm under the scrutiny. He gulped, then scratched the back of his neck. “I… I just… I want my life to mean something.”

Jensen frowned. “And it doesn’t now?”

”No.” Jared shook his head. “I’m not like you, Jensen. I’m not rich. I don’t have any special skills. I’m a nobody from a small town. My dad had a heart attack when I was fourteen and I’ve had to take crappy jobs ever since. Everyone pities me, you know? Where I come from?” Now it was Jared’s turn to stare straight ahead. “Yet they also look down on me. I’m the loser with the crap jobs who didn’t even go to college. I just… I need to matter.”

“There are different ways, Jared.” Jensen opened up a can. “Less dangerous ways.”

Jared shrugged. “No. Not for me.” He turned his gaze back on Jensen. “Not anymore.”

“Why?” Jensen sighed.

“Because now I know I can help. Because you need help.” Jared casually drank some beer, still eyeing the tequila. The air between them was still charged. Not with violence now, but it was still thick. And it made his skin crawl.

“No, I don’t.” Jensen huffed.

“Okay then, maybe I need the help. Your help.” Jared shrugged. “Our deal’s not over yet.”

Jensen narrowed his eyes. “So, what? You gonna expose my secret identity when I call this over?”

“No.” Jared shook his head. He wanted the truth, so there. “I never would have done that. Never.”

Jensen sighed. “I know.”

Jared looked at him in surprise. “Then why’d you still agree to train me?”

“Fuck if I remember.” Jensen picked the can back up, but not before Jared couldn’t see the smile that came over his lips. Huh.

“Well then.” Jared nodded. “So much for that. You keep teaching me, I’ll keep you company, we both get what we want.”

Jensen chuckled. “You so sure about that?”

“Yep.” Jared grinned at him. “Win/win.”

Jensen rolled his eyes, still smiling though, and, most importantly, not denying it.

Silence fell over them again, except for the static coming from the TV. It was an actual program of some sorts, but it had reduced itself to white noise a long time ago.

Then, just as Jared was getting comfortable, Jensen started shaking again. Jared looked over in concern. “Jensen?”

“Should have let me kill him.” He shook his head. “Should have let me kill him before he… before he could tell me…” Jensen reached for the tequila, drowning the rest of his sentence.

“No, Jensen.” Jared placed his hand on his shoulder, but Jensen shook it off right away. “No. I know you. You would have never gotten past it.”

“No!” Jensen turned on him, eyes wide. “You don’t know me at all.”

“I do!” Jared snatched the bottle out of Jensen’s hands before he could empty it any further. “I might not know your favorite meal or your favorite actor, hell, I don’t even know if you prefer summer or winter or what you like to wear, but I know you, Jensen. And I know you’re not a killer.” Jared hid the tequila on his side of the couch. If Jensen wanted it, he’d have to reach over. “And I’ll be damned if I let your uncle turn you into one.” Jensen turned his face so Jared touched his shoulder again, gripping hard, until Jensen was forced to make eye contact. “You’re better than him, Jensen. You hear me? You’re not your uncle.”

Jensen winced and recoiled, then suddenly, he was shivering worse than ever, his teeth chattering together audibly. Jared it his lip and decided it was time to stop waiting for Jensen to open up. Now it was time to force him.

Jared enveloped him in a huge hug. And of course Jensen was fighting it, pushing him away, struggling and whispering, “No. No, don’t. No.” Over and over again. But Jared was stronger, at least right now, with Jensen drunk and shaking.

But just as Jared felt bad and decided to let go after all, Jensen stopped fighting him and went limp in his arms. Until the sobs wrecked his body and he started crying. Jared’s heart broke and he stroked Jensen’s back, his neck, letting him bury his face against Jared and just let go.

“Shhh, it’s okay, Jensen. It’s gonna be okay.” Jared rocked him, holding on with all his strength, trying to let some of it seep over into Jensen. It just… god, fuck, it broke him. And then he was silently crying as well.

After a while, Jensen calmed down and Jared stopped clutching him so tight. He still held on to him though, absently stroking over his hair. “How could he, Jared?” Jensen sniffed. “My parents. How could… he’s my uncle. My family.” Fresh sobs shook him.

“I dunno, Jensen. I dunno.” Jared sniffled as well, but he leaned over, burying his head in the crook of Jensen’s neck. His lips touching Jensen’s skin. It was all he knew how to comfort him. He just hoped it would be enough. It had to be.

A long time later, Jensen stirred in his arms, but Jared didn’t let go just yet. Not again.

“Pizza,” Jensen whispered.

“Pizza?” Jared repeated. Did he want him to order some? Or… Jared’s head pounded.

“My favorite meal.” Jensen supplied. “It’s pizza. It was never served in the Morgan household though.”

Jared didn’t say anything for a few, realizing that by now, he was maybe even more shaken up than Jensen. But he owed it to Jensen to get a grip. He swallowed hard. “I like burgers. Not the cheap fast food shit though, real burgers, fresh from the grill.” Jared smiled a little.

“Me too.” Jensen moved again, but this time just to get closer to Jared and Jared smiled for real. “Jared?”

”Yeah?” His hand had somehow found its way underneath Jensen’s shirt and he drew idle patterns against his skin.

“You really think it’s gonna be okay?” Jensen clutched his hand to Jared’s hoodie. “That I’m gonna be okay?”

“Yes.” Jared nodded with his whole body. “I’ll…” He bit his lip. “I’ll make sure of it.”

“Okay.” His voice sounded small and weak and Jared’s heart just broke all over again. He shouldn’t have let Jensen kill Morgan, but by now Jared wondered if maybe he should do the job instead.

He sighed and held Jensen until he felt his breathing even out. And even after Jensen had fallen asleep, Jared still held on to him, caressing him softly and listening to his soft snore until Jared, too, followed him to sleep.

He couldn’t know if Jensen would ever be okay. He didn’t even know if he’d ever be okay himself again, but he knew that this was the start of something. Of Winchester and Colt, keeping the streets safe at night. And of Jensen and Jared, keeping each other safe in the meantime.

The End.

Author’s Note: Okay, my beta begged me asked me nicely to please resolve the UST with a real kiss, so I guess I have to apologize for those of you who’re frustrated now. There will be sequels, I promise! Two short ones definitely, and I need the UST so it can explode in #2 (which will be written to Mando Diao’s ‘High Heels’). I already started on the first companion piece, or I guess it’s ‘timestamp’, which will be a Jensen POV. It should be posted soon. Anything more than those two depends on if you even want to see more from this ‘verse. Anyways, thanks for reading!

eta: Sequel 1: Ageing Superhero

genre: rpf au, rating: r, winchester & colt, pairing: jensen/jared, fics, fandom: supernatural

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