Without Penalties

Sep 02, 2010 20:16

Title: Without Penalties
Recipient: piercingnisha for the spn_summergen exchange! Originally posted here
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 5,243
Warnings: mild swearing, crack!fic
Author's Notes: Many thanks to my very patient and understanding beta, pkwench who helped me make this into something not entirely ludicrous.
Summary: It figures that if Cas was going to get turned into a cute ( Read more... )

fanfic, supernatural, dean-o, crack!fic, summergen 2010, sammy, without penalties, castiel totally deserves his own tag, fic exchange

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Comments 55

cordelia_gray September 3 2010, 06:06:29 UTC
Kitten!Cas and Allergy!Sam are the most adorable things ever, I don't know how Dean managed not to spontaneously combust from the cute overload.

Also, I was totally sure this one was yours when I read it on summergen!


ratherastory September 3 2010, 14:02:27 UTC

And yeah, I think that for anyone who knows my stuff, this one was pretty much a gimme. ;)

I'm glad you enjoyed it!


phorenice September 3 2010, 14:10:20 UTC
Squeee, I want to snuggle up with this fic. I would cuddle the cat but she's out hunting mice or charming the neighbor's cat into letting her eat his food (which is apparently better than what she gets at home).

Let me guess: Cas did turn himself into a cat as a cunning plan to get the boys some rest, right?

The Mrrows somehow made me think of this, something every cat lover should have seen...


ratherastory September 3 2010, 14:32:54 UTC

I love Simon's Cat!

I don't know why Cas is a cat. He might have done it himself (although I suspect he would have picked an animal Sam isn't allergic to if it was voluntary). Many people have suggested that it was Gabriel -no longer dead- who did it, and that seems a pretty viable option. :)

Glad you liked it!


phorenice September 3 2010, 14:58:48 UTC
Well, it got Sam hopped up on Benadryl and sleepy - so much easier to convince Dean to cuddle his poor, sick, doped up brother than his injured but fully alert brother. And we all know it's the cuddling that counts. The rest is just a convenient by-product...
But if it was Gabriel I'm not complaining either :)


ratherastory September 3 2010, 15:07:00 UTC
I never really explained it to myself. It didn't seem important enough. ;)


harrigan September 3 2010, 21:43:28 UTC
This rates a comment here as well as on summergen! Can I just say for the record that I like asthmatic!Sam, too!


ratherastory September 3 2010, 22:02:41 UTC
Thank you! I really appreciate your coming by to comment again! :)


carocali September 4 2010, 05:09:20 UTC
I am curious how Cas ended up that way, especially since this seems to be season 6. LOVE that Sam still wants to play with him even though it could make him stop breathing. Aw, Sammy!

Cute! Thanks for sharing!


ratherastory September 4 2010, 16:37:36 UTC
I'm curious too, frankly! I have no explanation, this was just plotless fluff to make up for the angst of previous seasons. ;)

The best theory I've heard is that Gabriel isn't really dead and is responsible.


katwoman76 September 4 2010, 18:16:19 UTC
That was so sweet.
And somehow I think it's fitting, that I read a cat-story right after I saw a VanCon-video, where Jensen said (and Jared agreed) that "if Jared was a cat, Misha would be the ball of string"


ratherastory September 4 2010, 18:17:17 UTC

Poor Misha, that sounds unpleasant. Jared is a VERY large cat! :D

Glad you liked it!


katwoman76 September 4 2010, 18:20:29 UTC

VERY large, but still sweet as a kitten.
And well, he IS basically the Trickster-equivalent on set. ;)


ratherastory September 4 2010, 18:22:17 UTC
I know! I kind of want to cuddle him, which probably makes me a creepy creeper.

But SO sweet. :)


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