
Jul 16, 2010 11:29

I am almost done with my summergen. I got massively blocked RIGHT before the end. Stupid fight scene in an area I don't know.

Anyway, I am so close now I can smell it. Then I'll be going back to work on my other stuff.

summergen 2010, writing is hard!

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Comments 13

seramercury July 16 2010, 16:13:17 UTC
I have mine into my beta right now. Can't wait to read yours! I still haven't been able to get to you big bang, but I will! :)


ratherastory July 16 2010, 17:54:33 UTC
Thanks! I'm looking forward to yours too. I haven't read your BB either, so no worries. I'm working my way along my list, slowly but surely.


nyoka July 16 2010, 17:49:41 UTC
YAY for being almost done! I have changed my idea for summegen and I am now starting on the new idea! Sigh!


ratherastory July 16 2010, 17:53:35 UTC
Oy. I know what you mean for that. I was lucky in that I mostly knew what I wanted to do for summergen, but it was still a bitch. It also turned out much longer than I anticipated. O_O


primrose_1 July 16 2010, 18:21:34 UTC


ratherastory July 16 2010, 18:49:11 UTC


annj_g80 July 16 2010, 18:32:21 UTC
I haven't even begun my summergen. If I don't have an epiphany, I'll have to give up and have a pinch hitter jump in for me. *is devastated*


ratherastory July 16 2010, 18:48:58 UTC
I'm pretty good if you want to bounce ideas for a while. Help jump-start the epiphanies. :)

D'you have an IM program?


annj_g80 July 16 2010, 18:54:35 UTC
Wow, that would be awesome! I usually use the Yahoo Messenger (ID is annj_g1980). Sometimes ICQ though I'd have to search for my ID first :-D


ratherastory July 16 2010, 18:57:12 UTC
Excellent. I'll ping you now on Y!M (it's my default). I'm heading out in about 10 minutes for a few hours, but I'll be back later. :)


chiiyo86 July 16 2010, 21:16:37 UTC
Yay, that's great! I'm done myself, almost (it's being beta'd) though it's probably a lot less longer than yours. Can't wait to read it, though I won't know at first that it's yours. ;)


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