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Comments 12

sothcweden October 17 2014, 19:32:22 UTC
*waves hello* I'm trying to get back into participating in fandom myself lately after an almost two year hiatus. I've drifted from SPN as well, have read casually in Teen Wolf, fell hard for Generation Kill last summer thanks to
... )


liliaeth October 17 2014, 19:36:25 UTC
I'm starting to get into Teen Wolf as well.

It's just hard to get into the fandom for it, since so much of it is Stiles-centric, and he's my least favorite character on the show. (I can pretty much only read him when he's paired with Scott)

I wish it wasn't so hard to find Scott-centric fics.


pinkphoenix1985 October 17 2014, 20:16:35 UTC
I totally understand what you're saying about Supernatural. For me it isn't the same and has grown to be something that I don't like. But I can't wait for new stories from you! Nano is awesome I hope that you do it!


ferrous_wheeler October 18 2014, 01:28:27 UTC
Wow, you have been supremely busy and I hope that things are smoothing out for you! Good to hear that you're getting back into writing (even if it's not supernatural) as I think that you are very talented and you should do what you enjoy.
Even though the last few seasons of supernatural have been not the best and, honestly, pretty much the only thing that kept me in it was the fandom, I've gotta say that so far this season it has been amazing. If you ever feel like watching again it might be worth a look :)


lavinialavender October 18 2014, 03:03:44 UTC
*tight hugs* For my own part (though I think I speak for many), I'd never give up on you, no matter how many or how long hiatuses you take.

I am so sorry for all you've gone through this year. I remember reading about your cat, knowing I certainly wouldn't be okay after that. And as for the relationship ending...god, yes, of course you need time.

I really hope your life gets easier, too, after you've moved! And that writing becomes more possible. (I swear I'm not getting excited or anything, but though you've very understandably withdrawn from SPN -- I'm not watching this season either -- is the Fusion 'verse one of those 'verse you might be updating? It's still one of the truest stories about coping with disability that I've ever read.)

And seriously, screw anyone who complains about too many pet photos!


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