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Comments 34

shinysylver February 12 2014, 06:08:42 UTC
I feel you. After the drama that was H50 fandom a while back I've taken to separating myself from much in the way of discussion and meta in any of my fandoms and am only consuming the fanworks. I want to be happy and share the love not be bombarded with negative so I keep discussion to places that are safe for me, mostly my journal or emails with friends.

I also hear you about spreading out fandom-wise. I seem to have my fingers in a lot of pots but not enough all consuming obsession to really get the writing juices flowing the way they used to. Hopefully I can still get some words out soon. I hope you do too! :D


ratherastory February 12 2014, 06:10:32 UTC
I seem to have my fingers in a lot of pots but not enough all consuming obsession to really get the writing juices flowing the way they used to.

This, exactly. Nothing has turned my crank like SPN did back in its glory days, alas. But I would like to get something done! I have so many half-baked ideas and half-finished stories languishing on my hard drive these days...


asilia February 13 2014, 05:52:01 UTC
I've felt that way since season 6 when all the 'picking sides' business just got too much and right now I'm at the point where I'm starting to de-friend/unfollow fellow SPN fans on various social network sites because I simply can't stand it anymore.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion but I for one am apparently one of the very few people who is really enjoying season 9 (and I'm also always at least a day behind; usually it's more like a week or so) and every time I'm like "Oh I liked that!", all I see around me are people saying who is an awful brother and what storyline sucks :/

I can really understand how that would affect your writing. It'd kill all my inspiration as well.


jennytork February 12 2014, 06:43:25 UTC
((((HUG)))) Thank you.

You hit the nail on the head and that's basically where I am, too.


ratherastory February 12 2014, 18:46:16 UTC
A lot of people seem to be in that boat.


gray_glance February 14 2014, 02:53:29 UTC
I wonder if it's possible to form a small community for discussion and encouragement but no drama/negativity? I know I've been dying to process with people who care about the show, but I really really REALLY don't want to deal with sides/meta/excessive or unthoughtful negativity. Ratherastory, I have missed your SPN fics so so so much...so many dean also sam in-character authors have stopped actively writing, and if a positive, supportive safe-zone discussion group would help, then by god I volunteer to administer.


caranfindel February 12 2014, 10:46:47 UTC
I've been disappointed in the drama too. And even when you read a completely balanced review or meta, there are often ridiculously one-sided comments, so you really can't escape it.


ratherastory February 12 2014, 18:46:53 UTC
Exactly. The comments are usually what gets me in otherwise balanced meta, and they go so far overboard that they end up ruining the nice, balanced meta.


cappy712 February 12 2014, 11:55:12 UTC
Thank you and well put! I'm just glad that you got a plot bunny that's going on in your head and I'm looking forward to being able to reap the benefits of the bunny! Yeah!


ratherastory February 12 2014, 18:47:13 UTC
I started writing it, but I don't know if it will pan out. I'll keep people posted. :)


seramercury February 12 2014, 12:03:52 UTC
I hear ya! I've been out of the fandom for years! Which sucks because I still love Supernatural. There are very very few people I have to discuss the show with even in real life.


ratherastory February 12 2014, 18:48:10 UTC
Yeah. Luckily my girlfriend still watches it, so when I'm home we watch it together and discuss it then. Her views and reactions are usually similar to mine, but different enough that we can have an interesting conversation about it.


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