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Comments 22

ash48 January 5 2014, 10:38:26 UTC
Hey hun! Happy New Year AND Happy Birthday!

That means no more screwing around on the internet when I could be doing things.

Yeah, it's a tricky one to negotiate, but I think it's worth it. I've set myself limits also and it's actually kinda liberating. Balance is the good thing. :)

Hope you have a great 2014! <33


harrigan January 5 2014, 11:20:32 UTC
Ahh... *balance*! It's not easy. is it? All the kudos to you for setting priorities, even (especially) when they are the opposite of selfish. (I have to say, family becomes more precious to me the older I get.)

I am mulling over whether to do spn_j2_bigbang this year, and if so, what? I'm pretty sure it would be a J2AU, but the idea I have most plotted already is sort of a coming-of-age story, and I don't even like to *read* coming-of-age stories, so I have a feeling it would be a had idea to try to write one. Hee! (But it's an Olympics fic, and I do like a good sports AU. Then again, there are always zombie apocalypses and/or outer space or cowboys to play with!)


ratherastory January 5 2014, 23:10:49 UTC
I'm not doing the BB this year. Last year I signed up and defaulted, and it made me feel like ten kinds of shit, so I'm not doing that to myself this year. I don't deserve to sign up for things if I can't follow through on my commitments.

It sounds like you have some pretty awesome ideas! I can't wait to see what you come up with. :)


quickreaver January 6 2014, 08:00:26 UTC
I vote for outer space cowboys. :D


borgmama1of5 January 5 2014, 11:24:15 UTC
Happy New Year!

So, inquiring minds want to know: in what fandom were those first 1000 words this year??? :)


ratherastory January 5 2014, 21:52:51 UTC
Thank you!

400 were original fiction, 600 were Teen Wolf, of all things.


tesserae_ January 5 2014, 13:43:36 UTC
That means no more screwing around on the internet when I could be doing things.

My challenge for this year in a nutshell... a great deal of my internet time isn't even me talking to other people/commenting/discussing, it's the same kind of passive involvement I used to get from books. I think my life would benefit greatly from more active attention & less taking refuge in other peoples' thoughts...


quickreaver January 5 2014, 16:30:07 UTC
I have this nutshell too. You've encapsulated a really spot-on issue I've fallen prey too, as well. So one big AMEN.


ratherastory January 5 2014, 21:53:35 UTC
I tend to spend too much time on Twitter, which is incredibly distracting. Time to pay more attention to real life. :)


nerthus January 5 2014, 15:50:34 UTC
Happy birthday!! Hope your time management plans work out well for you in 2014; I'm horrible at organizing and managing my hours once I'm off work, so I guess I should make that bad word PROCRASTINATE become obsolete in my vocabulary, ha. But I know myself too well and I know I shall likely bumble my way through another year, my head in a fog and my thoughts drifting like the tide when I should be focusing on something in particular. Ah, well, I'm okay with that, ha, so kudos to you for having will power and determination and the desire to improve yourself! The one thing I DO need and desire this year is more patience and learning to be a more attentive listener to others.


ratherastory January 5 2014, 23:03:41 UTC
Thank you! I've been working on my own procrastination thanks to Timothy Pychyl, his blog on Psychology Today and his podcast (iProcrastinate). He's a professor at Carleton University and specializes in procrastination and self-regulation failure, and his work his both fascinating and very helpful (at least so far!).


quickreaver January 5 2014, 16:27:44 UTC
This sounds like a perfectly brilliant idea for the 2014, and beyond. I know life has been anything but easy for you this past year...so much flux...but you're resilient. And this 'resolution' (though I don't think it's as impermanent as a New Year's resolution), makes so darned much sense.

That means no more screwing around on the internet when I could be doing things.. THIS, SO HARD. Gonna take a page from the Ratherastory play book here. Setting limits and sticking to them is key for me. Then maybe I'll actually start turning things in on time and get done the bazillion things I want to. And maybe I should say "No" every once in a while, too. Helpful, that.

So good to hear you're writing and feeling positive and industrious. I really do admire you in about nineteen different ways.

Best of luck, D!

PS...Happy Berfday!


ratherastory January 5 2014, 23:05:49 UTC
Thank you! The last year has been hard, but it's all been good stress, which is awesome. :)

I've been listening to the iProcrastinate podcast by Prof. Tim Pychyl, and I can't recommend it enough. Procrastination and self-regulation failure are his specialities, and his work is both interesting and highly useful even for the average layperson.


quickreaver January 6 2014, 06:44:06 UTC


ratherastory January 6 2014, 07:35:49 UTC
It's been SO useful for me, I can't even tell you. I've been listening for about three weeks, and it's helping me turn things around.


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