Only the Next Moment

Sep 14, 2012 16:38

Title: Only the Next Moment
Summary: Time stamp to my previous fic, Of Old Time, Which Was Before Us. Sam takes care of Dean when he's sick.
Characters: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 1,511
Disclaimer: There must be SOME legal loophole that allows me to keep the boys tied up in my basement, I just know it! I haven't found it yet, alas.
Warnings ( Read more... )

of old time which was before us, fanfic, only the next moment, dean-o, sammy

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Comments 38

gidgetgal9 September 14 2012, 21:37:59 UTC
So glad you added another piece to this verse. I so love it. Sam is right, it doesn't matter as long as he has Dean in that moment. :)


ratherastory September 14 2012, 21:39:04 UTC
Thank you! Sam's learning to not drive himself crazy, slowly but surely. :)


sw0rdy September 14 2012, 21:40:16 UTC
Just lovely! I usually prefer my stories Dean-centric but you make everything such an enjoyable read.

And I'm VERY glad your writing mojo has resurfaced, hon. Now we just need to get you to work a little magic on your Silent 'verse and my life will be complete! ;)


ratherastory September 14 2012, 21:41:42 UTC
Hee! I'm letting the Muse go where she wants right now. It's been so long since I actually did any writing at all that I'm a little afraid to impose restrictions in case it kills the mojo again. :)

Glad you liked the story!


sw0rdy September 14 2012, 21:55:23 UTC
Makes sense :)

I stopped writing for almost four years after about ten years of churning stuff out pretty regularly. Now I'm back into it (and really enjoying myself again) I find it really hard to believe I stopped for so long.

I've hidden my mojo's passport so it can't go on any extended vacations for a while so I suggest you do the same!! ;)


ratherastory September 14 2012, 21:58:06 UTC
Meh. Mine seems to fuck off when I'm stressed about life/finances. No guarantees.


peepingdru September 14 2012, 22:07:39 UTC
beautiful....a lesson we can all learn<<<333


ratherastory September 14 2012, 22:08:29 UTC
How to not make yourself crazy in one easy step. ;)

Glad you liked it!


borgmama1of5 September 14 2012, 23:13:52 UTC
You know, you could make this a verse and we wouldn't mind :)


ratherastory September 14 2012, 23:16:32 UTC
Heh. I wouldn't hold my breath. The muse, she is fickle. But you never know! :)


jesseofthenorth September 14 2012, 23:38:56 UTC
Actually. Doesn't twp stories make it a verse? :DD


ratherastory September 14 2012, 23:41:10 UTC
This is a time stamp. Totally doesn't count. Shh. ¬_¬


jesseofthenorth September 14 2012, 23:38:10 UTC
I had kind of forgotten how much I loved the original story and then you went and wrote this and reminded. AND OMG MY POOR HEART! Sam struggling to take care of his brother under the weight of a deficit that hard makes my gut clench. Well done! (again)


ratherastory September 14 2012, 23:42:39 UTC
Yeah, it's a hard scenario to write, because the more they go on, the worse the deficit is going to get. Sam's going to get older and forget his body can't do what it did at 22, and if something does happen to Dean, well, he'll probably finish up his days in a home of some kind. :/

I'm glad you liked it anyway!


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