What Do You Need?

Apr 12, 2012 15:16

This is a non-fandom post. I stole it from a friend of mine in a different place, because I think this is where the power of fandom can be harnessed for good. I've been feeling a little out of place and useless in the world lately, and this seems like a good way to get rid of that feeling ( Read more... )

meme, ras has interests outside fandom!, life outside fandom, what do you need?

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Comments 49

disneymagics April 12 2012, 22:36:59 UTC
I need help researching homeless unaccompanied teenagers (kids who have left home due to abuse or have been kicked out of their homes for whatever reason) in suburban America for an original novel I want to write. I have statistics and some information on what happens to these kids, but what I really need are case studies about actual children living on their own and trying to stay in school. The research I've done so far indicates that CPS will not do anythig for these kids if they are at least 13 years old and there is no sexual abuse. Many suburban communities do not have any resources to help homeless unaccompanied minors, so even though the teachers and social service providers know the kids are out there, they can do nothing to help them. I'd love to talk to social workers who have experience with these kids.


gestaltrose April 12 2012, 22:57:29 UTC
I am a fairly dedicated researcher. My email is gestaltrose@gmail.com. I am not a social worker, my brother works for the social system in Oregon I can ask him if he has any knowledge of it. I would think it changes from state to state. Is there any state of states that you have in mind?


disneymagics April 12 2012, 23:16:52 UTC
I think you are right and it probably changes from community to community as well. Some communities refuse to even acknowledge the problem because it's not good for their image. They don't want to admit to even a single homeless person living in the community. Some suburbs ship thier homeless populations to the cities where there are more shelters.

I'm not picky about where I get my information. If your brother knows of specific examples of homeless kids in Oregon, I'd love to hear their stories.

Thank you!!!


primrose_1 April 13 2012, 03:57:49 UTC
I work with Youth in Custody at a high school in our area. All of our students are wards of the state, and are either in foster care or group homes. These kids have case workers working with them, trackers working with them, and so forth. IF the state has found out that they are alone, they will be taken into custody and put in a foster home or group home system. Some of the kids that I work with are eighteen and about to graduate in a couple of months. They are technically aged out of the system, and it's the teacher for YIC that assigns "packets" of work for them that include getting bank accounts, finding an apartment, making menus for cooking on your own, and so forth. She's frequently the only one looking after these guys who literally have no one. I'm new on the job, and still learning the system, but if you have more questions, feel free to send me a message!


blackrabbit42 April 13 2012, 02:05:38 UTC
I need someone with a little bit of legal expertise in the publishing world to tell me what to do.

I wrote three chapters for a textbook that was published in 2009 and I've never been paid. Looking through my papers, I can find something that I signed that says what I agreed to do, but I have the sinking feeling that I never signed anything that discussed how much I would be paid, that part was all verbal.

I just need to know whether it's a lost cause, or if not, what my first steps should be.


ratherastory April 13 2012, 02:14:52 UTC
Gah, that's frustrating. I had a similar problem with some translation work, back in the day.

Can you specify what country you're in, so people will be better able to help you? Legal systems and intellectual property laws will vary considerably from country to country.


blackrabbit42 April 13 2012, 02:58:52 UTC
The United States.



_thelostcity April 13 2012, 03:30:20 UTC
What state are you in? Or, if you're now in a different one, what state were you in? Also, when did you do the work (since if the textbook was published in 2009, you'd have to have done the work earlier)?


elliemurasaki April 13 2012, 05:40:40 UTC
I need SnapPlayer to work on this fucking computer. SnapPlayer, if you're lucky enough not to be taking the Microsoft Word course I am failing, is the program wherein the quizzes and tests for said course are administrated. Every single time I open a quiz or test, one of two things happens: I get an error message saying an error has occurred (and it's exactly that specific, too) and this will not count as an attempt at taking the test (but it does count), or the program simply closes itself down, no error message, nothing. Tech support is mystified.

In related news, I need a new computer. (And if SnapPlayer fails to cooperate with the new computer, I'ma be pissed.) I've got three possibilities in mind. (1) manufacturer-assembled, (2) Dad-and-me-assembled from a barebones kit, (3) Dad-and-me-assembled from buying the pieces-parts individually. I need advice on which is the best course of action, given that 'minimizing expenditures' and 'not fucking up my new computer' are both top priority. I'm looking at an i5 processor, 8GB RAM, 1TB ( ... )


claudiapriscus April 13 2012, 07:21:01 UTC
That doesn't sound too unreasonable; what's pushing your pricing up to $700? Woot today has a deal on a similarly-spec'd laptop for (well, okay, it's only got a 320gb HD, it's not a quad core and 4 gigs of RAM, though it's expandable to 8, but it's also a laptop, so without pricing out everything on newegg, I'm guessing you could get a desktop with a bit more oomph for around the same price, if you kept your eyes peeled).

You've got my sympathy on the application thing: I'm struggling with cover letters myself right now, and those shitty mental voices just will not shut up. Sometimes I think what I really need for RL is a good beta to be that person who will poke big giant holes in the weak points, praise the good stuff, and check for typos.


elliemurasaki April 13 2012, 13:09:45 UTC
I just want to be sure I have enough money for the computer, so I'm accumulating $700 before I go to buy it. If there's extra, yay money, and if there's enough extra, yay new monitor time. And I should have mentioned I'm getting a desktop; my computer needs do not include mobility. Except when they do, but for that I have a netbook.

Thanks. Good luck with whatever the cover letters are for!


feathertofly April 13 2012, 13:59:22 UTC
Does anyone know of any online support groups for eating disorder recovery? Or any online resources for setting up a nutrition plan that's balanced and will help with recovery? I think that would ne most helpful for me.

Also, could totally use a 'you're-not-a-bad-person-just-because-you-failed-an-art-class' pep talk. :)


taste_is_sweet April 13 2012, 16:41:04 UTC
I found this after doing a search for 'online support groups for eating disorders'. It has an excellent ranking with my 'Web of Trust' plug-in (which indicates trustworthy sites) and according to the home page forums are always open. It seems very friendly and positive. I hope it might help:


And bless you for taking care of yourself, by the way. I don't know you, but I know how much courage it takes to not only recognize that what you're doing is harmful, but to make the effort to change it.

I'm sorry that you even need someone to tell you you're not a bad person! Art is hard, as much because of the subjectivity as the required skills. I think it's damn impressive that you tried it at all. It also sounds like you have a lot of other stress going on in your life as well, so it's not surprising that something had to give.

And as I would tell my son, failing is never something to be ashamed of, as long as you tried. No one can succeed at ( ... )


faithinfaith April 13 2012, 19:22:37 UTC
I need a friend who loves BOTH Sam and Dean Winchester and someone who understands that sometimes family can be your worst enemy.


laranlas_keryn April 14 2012, 04:42:16 UTC
Nice to know there are others out there that are all for both boys :) And I hear ya on the 'worst enemy' deal... If you ever need to vent I'm here :)


faithinfaith April 14 2012, 08:56:28 UTC
Thank you! *hug* Maybe I can friend you? :)


laranlas_keryn April 16 2012, 03:57:48 UTC
Of course! Don't mind the rambling at my journal :)

eta: sorry for the late reply!


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