Title: Except a Memory of the Smell of Smoke
Summary: Garden 'verse. Dean has a bad reaction to a fire safety class at school.
Characters: Sam, Dean, Lisa, minor OCs
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 3,211
Disclaimer: I want a wee!Dean of my own. Can I have one?
Warnings: None.
Neurotic Author's Note #1: This was written for the latest comment-fic meme at
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Comments 42
Great fic! I hope there's more coming to this 'verse eventually.
Thank you!
I do have plans for this 'verse. Long-term ones, actually, with Dean growing up and everything. I don't know if it'll ever get as long or involved as Fusion, but it just might...
Glad you liked it!
This is so wonderful. Sam coaxing Dean out in the boiler room. Tom purring while Dean and Sam have lunch. Dean crying. *sniff*
Thank you very much for this fic! :)
I have to go back and read the precursors now!
So, knowing what I know of Sam, or Dean, or Lisa, I ask myself: "How would they be if [x] changed in their lives as I know them?" and I go from there.
Also, fire drills are freaky, even without previous trauma. Poor Dean has a very poor track record with fire anyway.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the 'verse!
The fact that Dean's memories are all tangled up and the Sam/Lisa dynamic and how Dean fits into that is all so intriguing, and your execution is perfect. WHAT I AM TRYING TO SAY IS I ADORE THIS.
I quite like it too. It's just different enough from my other stuff that it's very enjoyable to write, to see where things go.
I'm so glad you're enjoying it!
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