Title: Like a Clock During a Thunderstorm
Summary: Sam, Dean, Lisa and Ben spend a quiet night together during a thunderstorm. Written for the
silverbullets prompt: "thunderstorms."
Characters: Sam/Lisa, Dean, Ben
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 2,660
Disclaimer: None of it is mine
Warnings: GIANT GOBS OF SCHMOOP. Please be on guard for spontaneous cases of diabetes and
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Comments 65
Glad you liked it!
............although, darn you, now I'm craving s'mores......
I had to get up and make myself hot chocolate halfway through writing the fic. ;)
I microwaved a marshmallow once. It expanded to about 8 times its normal size. It was...an experience. c:
As for the age-regression thing... *hands* IDK. I can't bring myself to ever give the poor kid a "clean slate," because it feels like a cheap cop-out to me. Then again, small children don't have the same way of understanding things, so at least it puts a -buffer? Something?- between Dean and the worst of it all, and gives him a shot at normal, or something.
So I usually go the middle-of-the-road route: leave some/most of the memories there, but have the child be resilient enough to be happy anyway. In short, I tend to de-age Dean a fair bit (at least four times by my count), but always leave the memories of Hell there in some form or another.
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