First off, I updated the Fusion Master Post with a list of all the stories in chronological order as well as the order in which they were written, so now people can decide in which order they'd rather read them
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Anyway, in the one I have, I had two posts, one for Lost (which was my first fandom and for which I wrote 100+ fics and they were equally slash/gen/het) and one for SPN + other smaller fandoms. I had divided the Lost one in gen/slash/het sections and then I put them on the masterlist in the order I had written them (anything else requires too much effort ;) ). For SPN I never did the slash/gen/het thing because anyway 90% of what I write is Dean/Castiel so I just went with posting order, and same thing for the smaller fandoms.
I hate when each item in a master list has a lengthy summary, lengthy verbatim prompt and from where and whom plus why there and they are awesome, plus copious author's notes. I guess I mean to say, pasting the entire story header into the master list. It gets too freaking huge to find anything. Doubt this was ever you, but don't have time to go and check
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Bwahahahahaha. Yeah, I kind of gave up on my own masterlist. Instead, I just try to keep my tags clean. With tags, my fic can be sorted by type, fandom, genre, length, challenge, and/or rating. Of course, it helps that I don't really have pairings -- the vaaaaaaaaaaaaaast majority of my stuff is gen.
My masterpost now mostly just has a link to my fics on delicious and an invitation to browse by tags.
My delicious is a hot mess of fics I bookmarked to read along the way. I tried creating a separate account to sort through all my tags here, but delicious appears to hate that account for some reason. :(
Yeah, tags on any site can require a fair amount of maintenance. I have, in fact, been known to spend entire nights updating my tags. It doesn't happen often, but sometimes I can be as anal as the best of them.
The advantage of delicious is that you can link people to specific tags, while locking others from the public view. It sucks that you haven't managed to get it to work well for you.
this reminds me that I really should do one since my stories have now broke the 10 stories mark and there should be a master post for all of them. How did you get started?
Oh what turns me off a master list? nothing that you said here but I really HATE the fact that with multi part stories on LJ people don't link them up so it is up to the other to search for the next part. An instant turn off for me..
I know that you don't do it but it is a big peeve for me
*nods* god, I really hate it ESPECIALLY when you click on the story from the masterpost (which does have all the parts). Why do I need to have the masterpost open on a different tab just so I can get to the next part?!
Comments 21
Anyway, in the one I have, I had two posts, one for Lost (which was my first fandom and for which I wrote 100+ fics and they were equally slash/gen/het) and one for SPN + other smaller fandoms. I had divided the Lost one in gen/slash/het sections and then I put them on the masterlist in the order I had written them (anything else requires too much effort ;) ). For SPN I never did the slash/gen/het thing because anyway 90% of what I write is Dean/Castiel so I just went with posting order, and same thing for the smaller fandoms.
I thought about this for SPN, then realized 90% of my fic is gen, which makes it impossible.
Alphabetical might be something to consider...
My masterpost now mostly just has a link to my fics on delicious and an invitation to browse by tags.
The advantage of delicious is that you can link people to specific tags, while locking others from the public view. It sucks that you haven't managed to get it to work well for you.
Oh what turns me off a master list? nothing that you said here but I really HATE the fact that with multi part stories on LJ people don't link them up so it is up to the other to search for the next part. An instant turn off for me..
I know that you don't do it but it is a big peeve for me
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