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Comments 53

sorrow_95 July 11 2011, 21:39:54 UTC
Really enjoyed the story which suprised me considering I'm not a big fan of the movie. Perhaps it was because J2 were in it! Really well written and so glad I decided to read it. I'm bookmarking it for re-reading over the weekend!


ratherastory July 11 2011, 22:43:04 UTC
Thank you! Would you believe I'm not actually a huge fan of the movie either? I just couldn't get the idea out of my head once roque_clasique suggested it. I have now watched Avatar more times than I ever thought possible in one lifetime. ;)

I'm very pleased you liked it and found the J2 enjoyable. :)


shoofus July 12 2011, 02:04:28 UTC
yes, very well done, and better than the movie, no question


ratherastory July 12 2011, 02:08:04 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm so pleased you enjoyed it. :)


morganoconner July 12 2011, 02:37:34 UTC
So, I did not plan on spending my day reading this. In fact, I figured this was going to be stuck on my to-read list for weeks before I finally got to it.

As usual with your stories, I started the prologue just for curiosity's sake, and then couldn't stop.


I have to admit, I really had no idea what to expect with this. i enjoyed the movie immensely, and usually, I don't care for fics based off movies I like.

But this...

This was amazing. Close to the movie in the ways that mattered, and fixing the things about the movie I didn't like. The scenes you added were spectacular, and flowed effortlessly with the rest of the story. Enhanced it so it didn't feel at all like just a bland re-telling.

And Jared... I was really worried I wouldn't be able to wrap my head around him playing Neytiri's role. I never thought you'd be able to make it work, but obviously, I should know better than to doubt you. His characterization was wonderful.

This whole damn story is wonderful. I already want to re-read it! I know you worked ( ... )


ratherastory July 12 2011, 03:05:21 UTC
I can't tell you how pleased I am to hear that! Although I'm sorry you got pulled away from your writing. ;)

I'm especially pleased that you didn't find the additional scenes too jarring, and that Jared was believable in his role. I angsted and waffled over that and worked on it forever to make sure that it wasn't too implausible.

In short: \o/



peppervl July 12 2011, 05:10:49 UTC
Yay! You did it! *twirls you around ( ... )


ratherastory July 12 2011, 12:26:22 UTC

I totally understand about never having enough time when beta-ing something to point out all the things we like. :)

I can't tell you what a relief it is to hear that all the changes I made worked. Funnily enough, while I complained a lot about having to get rid of my Deathless Prose™, the decision to get rid of the bits you suggested wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. It really was a very good suggestion and I knew it from the start.

Once I realized just how tangled up I got that first sex scene I spent a good five minutes giggling before I was able to actually get around to fixing it. :D

Thank you so much for your awesome beta job. The story is so much better thanks to you.

*smishes you and twirls you*


aubergineautumn July 12 2011, 10:18:42 UTC
FANTASTIC adaptation. It really worked.


ratherastory July 12 2011, 12:10:39 UTC
Thank you so much! :)


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