Title: One Saved Message
Summary: After a hunting accident puts Sam out of commission for a couple of days, Dean decides to surprise his brother with a new phone, since his old one is toast. Even better is when he finds that he’s been able to save all of Sam’s old information and restore it to his cell. That’s when he discovers an old voicemail
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Comments 92
I love how much lingering hesitation and damage there is here, but how little it matters when it comes down to the bare bones of Sam and Dean together in their lives. And I totally believe that Sam's run against Lilith was just as suicidal in 4.22 as the one Ruby prevented in 4.9, and that Dean might not have fully realized that until much later.
I remain convinced as well that Sam's run against Lilith was a kamikaze attack too, even if can be boiled down to a weird kind of adolescent reasoning of "Dean will realize I was right and he'll be sorry when I'm dead!" among other things. *pets Sam* I think by then, also, he was pretty much convinced that he was beyond redemption: between the five days of detox (in which all his hallucinations told him how much he sucked), the argument with Bobby, the epic fight with Dean in which he was told never to come back, it's no wonder he went in there. The voicemail is just what tipped him over the edge, whereas Dean's original message might have brought him back a step. Fucking angels.
I'm glad you liked my little attempt at fix-it fic! :)
This was very much needed in this season.
Wonderful fic, hun.
*Smishes you*
Your brother sounds sweet.:)
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