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Comments 32

4thejourney February 5 2011, 19:49:07 UTC
LOL, I think I enjoyed this as much as I did the show- which was a LOOOOOOOOOTTTT!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED this ep! XD

You mentioned how Sam didn't sleep- Cas or Dean did mention though at the first didn't they that it had been a while already since Death gave him his soul? So I think he had been sleeping for a while, I'm just not sure how long- could it be supposed to have been over the amount of time as the hiatus was? idk, just a thought. :-)


mimblexwimble February 5 2011, 19:58:02 UTC
Sam had an IV in the panic room, so I'm guessing he was out for awhile...


4thejourney February 5 2011, 20:05:22 UTC
Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking.


cordelia_gray February 5 2011, 20:29:57 UTC
I think at some point either Bobby or Dean said it had been 10 days since whole Death incident, so I think Sam was asleep the whole time.

No wonder he was hungry!


lavinialavender February 5 2011, 20:12:36 UTC
YAY! I'm so happy to have real!Sam back. :D

I foresee drilling in our near future.
Ha, yeah! It would have been a return to constructor!Dean in the safety glasses and all.

I really disliked the cageful of weeping virgins. And SPN has questionable dragon mythology. But, whatever, SAM'S BACK. WITH HIS REAL EMOTIONS. Omg love him.

Oh, and I'm so glad Cas doesn't hold it against Sam that his soulless self threatened him.

Hee, Mother of Dragons.


ratherastory February 6 2011, 03:23:10 UTC
I have long since given up on Show having anything good plot-wise when it comes to women. /o\

I can't even about the dragon mythology, so I won't start.


&hearts &hearts &hearts


cordelia_gray February 5 2011, 20:37:49 UTC
Yay! I love your squee posts!

And there just isn't enough squee in the world for how happy this episode made me - Sam being Sammy again, and Dean being ridiculously happy about it, and the Loch Ness monster being real, and Bobby having 'history' with a hot blonde who keeps a dragon sword in her basement.

The whole "mother of monsters" thing is pretty interesting. I feel like it's a reference to Lilith, only they already used that name for something else. Or maybe this lady? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echidna_%28mythology%29.

And if you don't like the actress, that's OK, they have a vanful of virgins to replace the vessel when it wears out! Our show is really morbid sometimes.


ratherastory February 6 2011, 03:24:46 UTC
And if you don't like the actress, that's OK, they have a vanful of virgins to replace the vessel when it wears out!


I love that the Loch Ness monster is real! Think Sam 'n' Dean encountered it while they were in Scotland? \o/


honeylocusttree February 5 2011, 21:06:25 UTC

Preach it, sistah.

This ep felt a lot more like an old-school ep, so I was totally willing to go with them on the sword-in-the-basement thing, because god knows plausibility has never been real high on the priority list of episode writing. So it worked. Because it was completely ridiculous.


quickreaver February 6 2011, 00:01:15 UTC
The only thing that jumped out at me was the fact the doctor left what were probably valuable paintings on the walls when Dean blasted the rock. That wee touch of plausibility would've made me forgive anything. ;) Aw, hell, I forgive SPN everything...what am I saying?


ratherastory February 6 2011, 03:26:08 UTC
That was the ONLY thing that jumped out at you? That's awesome. :D


quickreaver February 6 2011, 07:27:11 UTC
Okay, well not the ONLY thing. I suspend a lot of belief in watching SPN, but you can tell when they're willfully ignoring reality because it's either boring or fudges things up. Some things slip through the cracks, however. (Hey, you can't think of everything, right?) I'm really not a complicated girl, when it all boils down to it. Just lucky that way! *cough cough*


hsifeng February 6 2011, 02:53:44 UTC
I love your reaction posts SO MUCH!!!

I had given into spoilerdom over Hellatus, buy it is so nice to read the perspective of someone who held out. Stay strong sista!


ratherastory February 6 2011, 03:27:47 UTC
I have found that my enjoyment of the Show is seriously, seriously diminished by spoilers. I have nothing against them per se, but there is a direct correlation between how much I love an episode and how many spoilers I've seen. So I have made it a policy to not even watch the episode promos, and that makes a huge difference for me. :)


hsifeng February 6 2011, 17:28:42 UTC
I normally don't do the spoiler thing either (and I am seriously planning to stop it now that I have seen S6.12), but I had fallen into the "What The HELL Are You Doing to Ma Boyz Sera?!?" pit that consumed so many of us.

Spoilers were my way of trying to predict if there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and if it was a train or the sun.

Post-"Like A Virgin" I am feeling more willing to commit my faith to the series writers again (I never lost faith in my fanfic writers...*grin*).


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