Title: The Empty Vessel
Summary: The world changes, and Claire goes searching for her father. Or, barring him, Castiel. What she finds is neither.
gabby_silang, who gave the prompts: 5x04-verse. Claire and Amelia at Camp Chitaqua. Claire runs away from home. Claire tries to find her dad. Claire yearns for Castiel. These are all the same story.
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Comments 36
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Thank you! I am looking forward to your coherence tomorrow. ;)
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There's something really compelling and unutterably tragic about that twelve-year-old girl housing an angel for about thirty minutes. Jimmy said it was like being chained to a comet... what would that do to her for the rest of her life, especially if she could never get it back?
And then to be left with this broken shell who looks a bit like her father and acts a bit like Castiel, but is his own person nonetheless? Yeah, I'd be confused too. :P
Glad you liked it!
2) I started quoting things, but then it was the whole thing. God, God, to have a miracle of your own, an adventure at that perfect age just when all you can dream is adventures and they seem within reach, to actually have it, to have power and be powerless to not have it, to be snatched up by destiny, and then to lose it. And then this to see it tattered and muddy and human, stubbled and ugly and puerile, just some bitter old man pretending he never knew you at all. JFC, this is a knife in my heart, this entire story.
“It's always a choice, isn't it? You or him.”
“I suppose you think it's a pretty poor trade.”
What I love about these lines is that you can reverse the speakers and it still makes perfect, heartbreaking sense. And and and this detail okay:
She doesn't remember Jimmy ever fidgeting, but then she never paid attention to him that way before. Goddamn, the shame of it. Trying to remember things about the man, but it's too late to know him ( ... )
I'm so pleased you liked it!
It never occurred to me that those lines could be reversed, but you're absolutely right.
Poor Claire, who lost her father while he was still larger than life and before she ever knew him as a human being.
I couldn't resist when I saw your prompt. There have been other stories of Claire meeting up with Castiel later in life, but all of them have had him still an angel. I couldn't help but wonder what she would think of the broken-down junkie of 5.04, who was just another human but with the added twist of being in her father's body. The fact of the matter is, even 2014!Cas is still in Jimmy's body, and I can only imagine the rage and disgust that people who loved Jimmy would feel at seeing Cas abuse the body Jimmy entrusted to him in good faith.
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