Now Hiring!

Aug 07, 2010 00:49


We are looking for at least 2 people to help us out. No experience is necessary as long as you are willing to learn. As a mod you will be able to host a round (pick the themes) help with the queue and interact with the communities members! If interested please feel free to leave a comment with the following information

Contact info(email, twitter, etc):
Any previous experiance as a mod?:
Any events off line that would need to be taken in consideration(ie: School, work, expecting a child. Don't worry it won't hinder your chances! It just lets us know what to expect :)):

Banner makers:

We need three to four banner makers to help us with participation/winning banners.
What we need on the banner is winning icon/set, comm name, participants name, category/theme title and round number :)

If you are interested please comment below with any examples (2 to 3 if applying for banner making) you may have below. All comments are screened until approval :)

!mod post

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