Owner Info:
Name: Steph
Age: 18
Location: Nevada!
Pet Info:
Name: Cowboy
Gender: All boy (except for the balls, he's missing those :P)
Age: 6 years old today!
Breed: Blue Heeler mix
Favorite Pastime: running with the bike. sleeping is a close second.
Favorite Toy: he doesn't like toys :(
Quirks/Tricks: it's not a trick, but he has a pretty much perfect recall. he can also sit.
Any disabilities (this will not effect voting in any way)?: nope.
Arrival Story (optional): I was longing for a dog one day, just after a couple of my favorite shelter dogs (also older heelers) were put down. I was browsing Petfinder and this grinning fool showed up when I searched cattle dogs in Utah. I fell, and I fell hard. Our landlord one day decides to randomly sell our house, so we have to be out by September 1. The new house? Has half an acre!! Cowboy (who's name was Jacob at the time) was the first dog I thought of, and we picked him up on October 1. Today is his 6th birthday, and we're meeting a possible sister for him today!
Pictures (at least one clear face shot and one clear body shot):
This was his petfinder picture