Age: 22
Stamped as: Lenalee <3
Applications voted on:
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=3= *fills out for Rin Again because she's lazy* >|
Describe your personality again: Rin is a very loving, kind and understanding person. When someone is in pain Rin will always be there to comfort them. While Rin can sometimes be a little unreasonably emotional she means well and just wants what's best for the people around her. Rin is easily manipulated to believe what people want her to believe sometimes and causes her alot of pain in the end when she finds out that what they were telling her wasn't true. Rin rarely hates anyone, and is hardly angry with people, unless they do something blatenly stupid.
In otherwords Rin is a big ball of "dramatic love and peace" XD
1) Your likes?Rin likes- Music, being with friends, reading, writing, sleeping, salads, Manga, Anime, sleeping, being with her friends, sleeping, music, singing, acting, sleeping, being with friends, I think you get the idea \o/
2) Dislikes?Rin dislikes- MEAN PEOPLE, not being able to be with her friends, not being able to sing, not being able to write, having an idea in her head and not being able to see it to it's full potential.
3) Your good points and your bad points?
Good: Rin is very caring, she loves easily and well she considers everyone her "family" XD I guess you could consider that a good side??
Bad:Rin is to willing to trust people, she openly talks about her history with people who don't need to know about it Because of all of her emotional attachments she doesn't know when to let go of people, and considers everyone to be her "family" even if they don't consider her their "Family"
4) What are the top three things you wish to achieve in this lifetime of yours? Rin would like to, Get married to her love, meet up with her Family and live in a big house with them, and become a nurse. <<
5) What would make people dislike you the most? The thing that people dislike most about Rin, is the fact that she's very dependant on others, though she's trying very hard to curve that. :3
6) Do you ever get on people's nerves? Why? Yes, because she's extremely clingy. And she cries very easily XD
7) What do you dislike in other people? Rin doesn't like it when people are negative about themselves, or other people. She doesn't like people who are too hot headed without reason... For instance, if someone just walked up to her and started yelling at her for no reason she wouldn't like that. Those sorts of things
8) What makes you angry? Rin doesn't really get angry often, but she doesn't like it when people hurt her Family. It makes her upset, but not angry. XD
9) What would your motto be? "Be true to your self" so she says *shifty eyes at her* Lies, slanderous lies. >>
10) What's your catchphrase? "Lies, Slanderous lies" everytime someone says something that's a lie, basically that's what comes out of her mouth XD
11) What gets your competitive spirit rising? A good argument/debate. XD
12) What does it take to get you into a fight? She won't fight with anyone. Seriously hates fighting. She ends up in a ball crying. But I guess you could see her defending her friends if they got into an argument with someone else. Just because she wouldn't want people to be unhappy and lonely in a fight.
14) How do you treat your rivals/enemies? (respect, disdain, mockery, etc) Rin tries to treat everyone with the same kind of respect they give her. That way no one can say she was the only one acting a certain way.
15) What are your views on:
People getting bullied Rin doesn't like it, because she spent a good portion of her life being bullied by people. And it's not even for that, "people should just respect eachother" She says.
Disregard for human lives She doesn't really understand it. Everyone should be happy to be alive, and that they have friends and loved ones. "So why do people hurt each other?"
Disregard for things in general Rin believes that everything holds importanance in the grandscheme of things. and says "you shouldn't just disregard things, you never know what might be important to you when it's too late."
16) Either Or
Money or Family? Family. No doubt about it <<
The right choice or the necessary choice? The right choice. "No one should ever have to hurt because of something so random as a 'necessary choice'"
17) Is there anything else you’d like to say? Can I be done now?
"yes :3 Good boy"