Daredevil ramblings

Sep 23, 2003 13:30

I started writing this on Sunday, right after I finished reading Daredevil: The Man Without Fear (by Frank Miller and John Romita Jr.) and Daredevil: Yellow (by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale), but then got sidetracked by some fanfic and a really pretty vid (in case anyone's interested it was a TS vid by Seah & Margie, called Black Cat, and can be found onRead more... )

marvel: reviews, comics: reviews, marvel, comics, daredevil, reviews

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Comments 7

greenygal September 23 2003, 07:21:32 UTC
Also I think Miller's might be the official retcon these days.

Admittedly it's a little difficult to tell unless somebody references one or the other, but given that a) YELLOW is the more recent book and b) it was published under current Marvel management, I think it's the other way around. But you'll find plenty of people who prefer MWF, and have it as their "official" story. (I like MWF a lot better myself, though I don't regard it as canon.)


ratcreature September 23 2003, 07:47:02 UTC
I think my impression came from reading the little Elektra parts in Daredevil Vol. 2 #37, when Matt's and Elektra's time in college appears in flashbacks. When I read MWF it fit really well and worked to give me more background on that relationship. And I see Yellow as more of a standalone in the context of the DD series, because it's part of this whole "color project" (I don't know if it has an official name) that Loeb and Sale have going on, with Daredevil Yellow, Spider-Man Blue and now the upcoming Hulk Gray.


greenygal September 23 2003, 08:17:45 UTC
MWF is actually inconsistent with the comics issues, having mainly to do with the timing and the way Elektra is introduced--granted, I've had arguments with people who believe it can all be worked out, but they've never convinced me. (It also means that I'd take the relationship of Matt and Elektra in MWF with a grain of salt, as far as canon goes; I personally don't think her homicidal tendencies emerged until some time after college, although we see so little of her there that it is possible. You can make up your own mind when you read the Miller stories.) YELLOW, on the other hand, is supposed to parallel the first few Daredevil issues quite closely--the FF really did show up to hire him as their lawyer, for example, silly as it is.


ratcreature September 23 2003, 08:26:50 UTC
I have to admit I haven't read Daredevil with an eye on nitpicking details, not yet anyway. ;) And I can totally believe that Yellow reflects early DD issues, that's what I meant with it feeling like a homage to classic superhero comics, with the silly villains who are out making names for themselves, just with more darkness "lurking."


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