Daredevil linkage

Sep 14, 2003 00:44

I was browsing The Continuity Pages earlier, as I linked to the annotations for 1602 in my previous entry, and I found a continuity page for Daredevil, which is a useful overview of the storylines and already has a lot of info on both the first and the second volume of the series. Also useful for me to see which TPBs collect what, so that I can ( Read more... )

marvel, comics, daredevil, links

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Comments 3

greenygal September 16 2003, 12:24:30 UTC
*examines* God, look at the nitpicking. Does my heart good. :)

The Elektra Saga annotations, in particular, could have saved me a certain amount of confusion if I'd seen them earlier. I read ES before the Miller Visionaries became available, and while it is basically a shortened, rearranged, and recolored version of Miller's Elektra material, in a couple of places there's new material and captions. So when I got to the big fight between Elektra and Bullseye, I was very, very puzzled to find that a caption I remembered well, that had seemed to give useful insight into Elektra's mental state and the way the fight went, had totally disappeared. I seriously wondered if I'd just been having delusions all those years. :)


ratcreature September 16 2003, 12:56:10 UTC
Yeah, nitpicking is fun.

Different versions. Huh. So which TPB version of that story do you recommend? I intend to get it eventually (though looking at my pathetic finances, which are clearly not adequate for my -- I think very reasonable *g* -- comic needs, it might be a while) and now I wonder which version I ought to get.


greenygal September 16 2003, 13:42:51 UTC
Oh, get the Visionaries. The Elektra Saga has a lot of good stuff chopped out because it doesn't feature Elektra. Which was fine for what they were doing, but now that the whole thing is available you don't want to miss it. :) And it's much easier to find, while ES is out of print. After you get the Visionaries, then you can hunt down ES, if you can afford it and want to see the five new pages and the handful of added captions.

(Unless Elektra is the only thing about DAREDEVIL that interests you. I suppose in that case Elektra Saga would be a better deal. But I'm guessing such is not the case. :)


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