
Sep 02, 2003 01:23

Okay, so I found this scan of a page from a Daredevil/Spider-Man x-over short story (from Daredevil Volume 2 #20). And it's just too slashy not to share, so I uploaded the page to my webspace for you to take a look. In the panel Daredevil and Spider-Man are sitting in a bar, Spider-Man has his arm around Daredevil, talks about tossing him, and ( Read more... )

marvel, comics: scans, squee, scans, daredevil, spider-man, marvel: squee, scans: marvel

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Comments 9

kerithwyn September 2 2003, 08:37:55 UTC
I'll look around--there isn't much, IIRC, but I know there must be a worthy one out there *some*where.

They are adorable, aren't they. :)


liviapenn September 2 2003, 12:31:35 UTC

Well, it's not exactly the scenario you want, but there's this...

Warning-- white text on magenta background. ^_^;;;


ratcreature September 2 2003, 19:22:14 UTC
I've read the entry, but it left me rather confused. Is it fanfic? It seems to be part of an RPG (RPG-transcript?) of some kind from what I could figure out from the journal.


liviapenn September 3 2003, 11:48:06 UTC

You know, I *thought* it was fanfic (if it looks like a duck, right?) but now I'm not exactly sure. ^_^


greenygal September 2 2003, 13:26:26 UTC
Dearly though I would love to tell you that there's an entire archive full of Spider-Man/Daredevil, in fact the only such thing I know of is on the Comicslash group at Yahoogroups, message 1426. (Although now I also know of the story Livia recced. *clutches greedily*)

My suggestion, though, is go bug smittywing, who I know has written Matt/Peter snippets, and who might be talked into writing more... :)


ratcreature September 2 2003, 13:42:01 UTC
Thanks for the suggestions. I'm astonished that there isn't more out there. Two cute guys, good friends in canon, both comic characters had movies recently to boost their popularity...I mean, I'm really not someone who sees slash everywhere, actually I don't even primarily "self-identify" as slasher, and even I had slashy scenarios running through my head (unfortunately I'm really no good with writing, at most I could offer illustrations...)

And that there people are around complaining that slashers would slash anything in their clutches. I only wish. *grumble* I'm starting to suspect these disgruntled Buffy fans with this anti-slash kerfuffle would be really happy in comic fandom.


greenygal September 2 2003, 13:54:48 UTC
The problem is that the vast majority of the Marvel slash out there (at least ninety percent, I'm sure, and at that I may be overly optimistic) is X-related in some fashion. Hell, the vast majority of all Marvel fic is X-related. Even the movies don't seem to have done much to change this (although if somebody would like to point me to a lot of Spider-Man moviefic, I would be thrilled to be wrong).

Although actually, on this particular count I don't think the movies help. Not only is no crossover or sense that they're taking place in the same universe (I'm not saying there's anything against it, mind you, just that in the comics you know they live in the same universe and that they're friends), but movie-Peter reads so much younger than movie-Matt that barriers get raised. (Of course, Peter is younger than Matt, but in the comics he's had a chance to grow up more.)


ratcreature September 2 2003, 16:13:53 UTC
Yeah your right about there being no sense of a crossover in the movies, like they could have mentioned the Daily Bugle easily in the DD movie but they didn't. I just thought it might have helped in the general sense of making Daredevil more widely known to slash fans who are not comic readers.


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