art meme, art 2003-2009

Feb 17, 2010 17:20

I gacked this from glockgal, but the original empty template comes from Kamaniki at dA. The time span for chronicling art in this meme fit me well, because I started posting fanart in 2003, so I took it as a sign that I ought to be a memesheep.

a huge image behind the cut, it might be considered NSFW by some strict standards due to kissing and groping going on in some art samples )

art, navel-gazing, fanart: meme, fanart, meme, drawing

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Comments 11

rubynye February 17 2010, 17:21:29 UTC
What a nifty art retrospective! And those kisses are very inspiring.


ratcreature February 17 2010, 17:24:50 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed them.


glockgal February 17 2010, 19:28:10 UTC
AUGH I love how your use of digital colours are not wishy-washy in any way. Everything is graphic and bold and just works so well.

And that dodo! XD


ratcreature February 17 2010, 19:48:47 UTC
Hee. That's actually supposed to be a diricawl not just a plain dodo. His companion just vanished in that puff of feathers he looks at (in the full picture you can see a predator lurking in the undergrowth).

I think it never occurred to me to try to do digital paint with many mixed colors and nuances like I automatically do with acrylics. I have always admired people who can mimic real paint with digital tools, but it's so much easier to be just graphic and go for an intentional comic coloring with just a few shades, and since I was drawing comic characters anyway, it just fit. But I'm happy to hear it works for you.


iamza February 17 2010, 19:28:45 UTC
I like how your icons have become more detailed over time. But, well, you already know I'm a fan of your icons. :-)

And what rubynye said -- particularly that Tim/Kon picture!


ratcreature February 17 2010, 19:55:56 UTC
Yeah, the icons have gotten more detailed, though now I often feel sorry that they end up so small, instead of happy that it hides the sloppy lineart!

I'm glad you like the kisses. I just can't get more explicit than that, even though I know shippy art is popular (and I like it too), so I mostly with me characters have to be content with mere cuddling or groping while most of their clothes are still on...


sholio February 17 2010, 21:35:07 UTC
Ooh, that's really cool to see all laid out like that -- the evolution of the icons is especially dramatic, as they get more polished and detailed through the years!


ratcreature February 17 2010, 21:52:36 UTC
Yeah, I think it is because with 127 icons by now my cartoon avatar is the thing I've drawn most often, so it has gotten quite a bit more fluid, whereas for most of the rest my sloth-like (non)work ethic means that I don't actually have done a lot of practice drawings or anything.


negolith2 February 17 2010, 23:05:49 UTC
That was really cool, and I have always loved your icons - they so rock! Makes me want to slap my own artistic muse back in line now....

And, um, if you ever want to illustrate anything out of my stories, I'd grovel be truly honored. =^.^=


ratcreature February 18 2010, 00:12:59 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad to hear you enjoy them.

And you totally should do more art. I don't know whether I've ever said, but I remember when I read Untamed parts in your journal I came across some of your animal drawings and I was very impressed. I always suck at fur and such, because I just don't have the patience.


negolith2 February 18 2010, 00:49:52 UTC
It isn't patience - it's anal retentive OCD-ness in all of the meelions and meelions of bitty pen strokes.... ;)

And a touch of insanity. It helps. :D


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