Daredevil: Without Fear (issues #100-105)

Apr 17, 2008 20:15

Well, at least Milla isn't dead, so that is something, but really the girlfriend storyline is kind of overdone with Daredevil.

I freely admit that part of why I like Daredevil is that its genre, besides superhero crime fighting, is more often than not what would be called "whump" in fanfic parlance: He just gets hurt over and over again, both physically and psychologically, and there is plenty of angst and so on. So I'm not really objecting that he seems to never get a break, but did it have to be by hurting his wife again and taking her out of the picture? Out of sight in a mental hospital with violent delusions is not really what I wished for Milla. I like her character.

Also a central key to the plot, that Matt apparently could work through this gas in a few hours, but for everyone else the effects are apparently forever, well, that didn't make a lot of sense to me. My best guess is that we are to assume that somehow his immunity is tied to his senses making him more resistant because he's more aware, iirc it was something like that with Lily Lucca's body chemistry, but still. I didn't find that very satisfying.

Cranston worked well as a really creepy villain for me though. Even though his prison guard date rape setup at the end sort of squicked me.

marvel: reviews, comics: reviews, marvel, comics, daredevil, reviews

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