
Sep 14, 2006 21:25

Why is there so little Daredevil fanfic? I'm fairly sure I lamented this sad state of affairs before in my LJ, but absolute dearth of it is still stunning. Every couple of months I check around anew, hoping that there's been new stuff posted, but as usual my hopes are crushed. :( I don't get it. I can't be the only one who'd love some Daredevil ( Read more... )

daredevil, whining

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Comments 4

mamadeb September 14 2006, 19:31:16 UTC
As someone following Daredevil - there's no way we could get *more* emo than the current run of the comic.

I mean - prison. Foggy. Milla.

No, can't get more emo than that, so why bother?


ratcreature September 14 2006, 19:54:43 UTC
I am still a bit behind in reading, though I have all the issues, and I know that the comic delivers too, which is why I am about to dig out some more from my not-yet-read pile, and get my fix from the source, but still-- When it comes to fandom I never bought into the whole "too much of a good thing" philosophy, so I don't think the fact that the comic is emo porn should in any way prevent fanfic writers to produce more.


caiusmajor September 14 2006, 20:22:28 UTC
I would also be in favor of some Daredevil fanfic! Or, really, more non-X-Men Marvelfic just in general.


ratcreature September 14 2006, 20:37:06 UTC
I know! That there isn't a ton of Spider-Man fanfic is also very strange. I mean, there's far more than for Daredevil, and yet-- it's not that much all things considered.

Unfortunately, since I don't write I can't even offer anything to change it (you know, like, the fabulous, definite Daredevil novel from a BNF author from some other fandom that starts to pull in a horde of people who suddenly realize that Daredevil would be a very cool fandom to write fanfic in... *g*)


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