thoughts on SG-1 10x02...

Jul 22, 2006 14:38

Okay, that parasite/sleeping sickness plot was awful. I mean, I'm willing to overlook small plot holes or whatever, but the stupid way SG-1 acted killed the others, and at least that doctor (Reimer?) really died unnecessarily. I could sort of understand the initial refusal of additional people to help working on a solution when they didn't yet know whether the cause was really something a hazmat suit would be able to protect them from. But as soon as they knew it was the parasite, there was no reason why they, overtired and possibly not the best qualified people (no matter how brilliant, Sam still isn't a medical doctor afaik), would try to work on it alone, and not contact SGC immediately. I guess, you would argue that their reasoning at that point was already impaired, but Sam and that doctor still seemed fairly lucid then.

The other plot with Vala undergoing a psych evaluation was at least fun to watch, so I enjoyed that part. At the end I kind of felt bad for poor Woolsey though.

stargate, tv, reviews, tv: reviews

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