kind of shocked...

Apr 03, 2004 00:04

I've finally managed to watch the Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker movie, and it's just-- I don't know Batman Beyond, but what they made happen to Tim in this, it was totally chilling, and cruel, and twisted. Wow. It sent shivers down my spine how the Joker tortured and brainwashed Tim, and then showed that home movie to Batman. And a ton of ( Read more... )

cartoons, dc: animated, batverse

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Comments 5

cereta April 2 2004, 22:16:26 UTC
There was actually quite a bit of controversy over the movie, and it's possible the version you saw is the "uncut" version. I do recall that there was a lot of build-up to it, and then...very little pay-off, and I suspect the controversy over the disturbing content is why.


ratcreature April 2 2004, 22:34:52 UTC
Yeah, I think I saw the uncut version. The one I found for download on suprnova had Chinese subtitles, but otherwise was in English, and there was definitely pay-off. It had a fair amount of violence, blood, and some deaths and explicit torture. And it was disturbing. I mean there were scenes like Bruce Wayne in the cave throwing baterangs at Two-Face dummy to behead it (!), Robin being electroshocked by the Joker, in fact the whole "family memories" thing, the jokerized Tim finally killing the Joker and laughing then crying...


thete1 April 3 2004, 01:26:08 UTC
Dude. I've been obsessed with that movie for YEARS, and... yeah. I have no argument with WB for deciding it needed to be censored before they marketed it to kids. (Though they did a craptacular job with *that*)

Anyway... yeah. There's a reason why I was writing RotJ fic before *any* other DCU stuff. ;-)


ratcreature April 3 2004, 07:29:55 UTC
Sometimes tv networks can be kind of clueless. For example here at first, they showed *Farscape* in the children's program Sunday afternoon. Presumably because it has muppets or something. It's no wonder that it wasn't successful here. Granted the first Farscape episodes weren't quite as dark and gruesome as the later ones and had a bit less violence and torture, but still Farscape really isn't a kid show. But somehow "muppets=for kids" clouded their minds, much like it sometimes happens for cartoons or comics.


naroclie April 4 2004, 01:04:18 UTC
Man, you have no idea how long it took me to get ahold of the uncut RotJ. I got it when they first released that version, and it seemed everywhere I went to get it they only had the original.
But yeah, SUPER-creepy movie, but SOOOOO yummy. That movie probably started *both* my love for Joker and Tim.

And Te? You wrote RotJ fics?



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