Feb. 2011 Challenge - Bumblebee/Optimus Prime

Feb 13, 2011 14:23

Title: Won't Say I'm in Love
Universe: Any
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Bumblebee/Optimus Prime
Music: Disney's Hercules - Won't Say I'm in Love
Notes: I wrote this 3 times before I thought I liked it enough to post it.

Watching so many human movies and seeing how love can be a good, but also a bad thing, had almost hurt me. The second I began to feel anything for Optimus I ran to Ratchet.

“Ratchet, I think something is wrong with me,” I said entering his med bay.

“Why do you say that, Bee?”

“Because I think I feel something for someone,” I said closing the door before walking over to Ratchet.

“Let me guess, Optimus Prime,” Ratchet smiled.

I nodded weakly.

“Who do you think you’re kidding? We can see right through you. We know how you feel.”

“We?” I asked embarrassed.

“Yeah, a few of us.”

“Well, I still don’t think it’s real.”

“Why are you denying it?”

“Because I am not ready to admit that I’m in love. I have seen it too many times in movies. Girls fall in love and it all starts off good. But when some other girl wins his heart, they cry their heart out. I don’t want that to be me,” I said sitting down.

“I’m not buying it.”

“And I won’t say it.”

“You need to give in. You love him,” Ratchet said trying to convince me. ‘It’s okay to love, Bumblebee.”

“Fine. I love him. I just won’t say it to him.”

“You love who?” asked a voice from the doorway.

I turned to see Optimus Prime standing in the doorway with an almost hurt look on his face.

“Frag it,” I said as I ran to Optimus. “I love you.”

I press my lips to his lips as I wrap my arms around him. It didn’t matter anymore. If I love him, then I love him. All I cared about was him being with me forever.

As our lips finally part, I look up and into his optics.

“I love you too, Bee,” Optimus smiled as he pulled me back into a kiss.

feb 2011 challenge, transformers, bumblebee/optimus prime

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