Blood for Wild Blood (Part 4)

May 09, 2023 16:44

Title: Blood for Wild Blood
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairings: Leon/Luis
Warnings: near death experiences, canon-typical gore and injuries
Word Count: 1008 (4669)
Disclaimer: If I owned it, Luis would be alive.
Summary: The wolf that Leon rescues is far more than it seems.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The wolf prowls through the forest, stalking toward his prey. He stays low, out of sight beneath the bushes, until he gets close enough to pounce. Then he rushes forward, leaping into the air and tumbling Leon down into the grass.

“Luis!” the man protests as he twists into a roll. But he's laughing, his eyes bright and shining in the morning sun. It's good to see him happy and the wolf can't resist licking a wet stripe up his cheek.

“Ew, don't do that,” Leon half groans and half chuckles, shoving his head away. He follows the motion with an ear scratch before turning the tables and jumping on the wolf instead. They wrestle for a minute, snapping and growling playfully.

Neither of them is actually trying to do damage and it's a nice change from fighting for their lives. Eventually Luis gets the upper hand and shifts his form again, grinning down at Leon from his perch on the man's hips.

“Enjoying your vacation, querido?” he asks.

“Very much so,” Leon answers, leaning up to steal a kiss before sprawling back down on the ground. His lover is a gorgeous sight, loose-limbed and smiling with adoration in his eyes.

For once the other man is relaxed and happy here in this bright spring meadow, and Luis honestly never thought the two of them would make it here. Even when they'd finally managed to remove las plagas, destroy Los Illuminados, and escape with Ashley, the Spaniard half expected to be thrown in some dark prison and never reappear.

He almost was, in truth. But Leon had defended him like a true knight in shining armor. The agent had stormed into Luis' interrogation room with a presidential pardon and dragged him back into the light. Always a hero, that one. Always ready to do anything and everything he could.

Indeed, the other man had invited Luis into his home and his life without a single reservation, planting himself between the Spaniard and anyone who might want to do him harm. Beneath that guarded surface, Leon was desperate for connection and Luis quickly discovered that his love was absolute. The other man held nothing back for his own protection. He just handed Luis his beating heart and that's a gift he can't take lightly. That's a gift he wants to earn.

So the Spaniard has done his best to take care of Leon ever since. To hold the man and comfort him when his burdens grow too heavy or the nightmares get too strong. He's tried to give Leon a safe space to break when needed, to make sure he's slept and eaten, and to love him just as fiercely in return.

Both the wolf and the man are in perfect agreement. Leon is his pack, his mate, and the most important person in his world. Luis adores his lover's kindness, his courage and his strength, even his sense of humor, bad though it may be. The fact that the man is damn hermoso is just icing on the cake.

Looking down at him now, Luis feels his usual mix of love and attraction, a warm burst of emotion glowing in his chest. So the Spaniard leans in and kisses Leon again, a gentle press of lips. The other man smiles against his mouth and returns the favor, strong hands sweeping across his back before one tangles in his hair.

For once, they're in no hurry. This isn't a stolen moment between battles, no frantic kisses just in case they don't make it out alive. There's simply the sun above them and the bright blue sky of Colorado, the feel of Leon's body moving under his. So Luis swallows his lover's moans and kisses deeper, enjoying this little slice of heaven that they've carved out for themselves.

Eventually Leon will take his hand and they'll hike back down the mountain. The two men will eat a fancy dinner in some romantic corner, the first proper date they've ever had. Then Luis will lay his lover down on their hotel bed and worship him with hands and mouth, spending hours giving pleasure to the one that he adores.

Eventually the agent's hard-won vacation will be over and he'll be given a new mission. But the man won't fight alone, not anymore. Leon won't have to be a one-man army, not with the large grey wolf prowling at his side.

The first time Luis joined his lover on a mission, he was terrified that he'd be stopped or his secret would come out. However, Leon's colleagues quickly learned not to ask about his new companion and the agent's employers couldn't care less about his actions as long as every job still got done for the same price. Indeed, the one time someone dared to challenge the wolf's presence, Luis thought his lover might take off her head right there.

“He's with me,” Leon had growled, one possessive hand curled into the wolf's scruff, and then led Luis onto the transport anyway. No one was stupid enough to try to stop him a second time.

Since then there's been no questions and Luis is grateful for it. Given the Spaniard's history, a future shared with Leon is more than he ever dreamed of - the chance to live and love and try to make reparations for the damage that he's done.

Not by saving the world. He's still not that kind of hero. But saving Leon is a cause that's well worth fighting for. The agent had been in desperate need of someone to watch his back and Luis was more than happy to take on that obligation. He made his decision and he's never regretted it, despite the danger that he's faced at Leon's side.

Luis can't regret his choice, not when the two halves of his soul are bound to a single purpose throughout each one of Leon's missions: the wolf to protect his mate and the man to bring his lover home alive.


I went back and forth a lot, trying to decide how much of the game to cover in this fic. But I eventually decided to only show the parts where the wolf matters, if only because the rest is canon and I already covered most of it in Luis' chapter of nothing more than this.

fic, post-series, resident evil, leon-ship, canon!au, blood for wild blood*, poignant

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