Title: Ascendancy: Part 3
Characters/Pairing: Blackwood/Holmes, Watson/Holmes, Blackwood/Coward
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Tentacles, sexual situations, (kind-of) drug use
Word Count: 2460
Disclaimer: Sadly these characters don't belong to me. Also sadly, this fic earns me no money.
Summary: Movie-verse AU. Follows the movie plot, but with even more
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Comments 6
Also, this was awesomely written :D
"You're Blackwood's last request." =D
Oh, and did you check out the manip by tabby_stardust that I linked in the parts 1&2 post? (It's here if you haven't and would like to. Nothing too graphic, but it's very well done and it makes me happy... And you might let her other manips lure you further into this fandom...)
I know what you mean, though. I'm currently juggling 4 fandoms and not doing the greatest job of it...
Anyway, thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
I got about a quarter of the way in before I actually realized the extensive possibilities of slashing Coward and Blackwood - how thick am I?? It's almost as obvious as the Holmes/Watson subtext. I really like your Coward, too - all arrogance, whining, and worshipful obedience.
It's still demented. Can't wait for more 8D
I actually resisted slashing the two for a while because I just wasn't interested in Coward and found the Blackwood/Holmes dynamic more interesting. But then, in the original kinkmeme thread, I made an offhand comment about what a slut Coward would be for those tentacles, and one of my readers got super happy that there'd be Blackwood/Coward in the fic, and that kind of locked me into writing it.
Now, I see how interesting Coward can be -- how he's equal parts haughty pride and utter devotion to Blackwood...
*fans self*
That...that was incredibly hot. And I am not even a big Blackwood/Coward shipper. But..whew.
That is like, the best possible feedback I could get here. <3
Thank you!
I actually am not wasn't much of a Blackwood/Coward shipper, either. I just kinda inadvertantly promised tabby_stardust that there'd be some B/C action.
Glad you liked it and thanks again!
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