Сайти інтернету, в який фігурує майданівець Василь Галамай.

Apr 09, 2018 15:46

The original website:

The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"...a bullet that was removed from the victim's body, identified as being fired from a machine gun by a company soldier "Berkut, which is currently wanted," said Psyuk."
The archived Google translation into English with the highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"...a bullet removed from the victim's body, identified as being fired from a machine gun of one of the company's fighters. Berkut ", which is currently wanted," said Psyuk."
The archived Google translation into English with the highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:

"The investigation established from which machine gun the bullet was fired and even found out who the weapon was given to. However, it is still unknown who fired the shot.
"The bullet that was removed from the victim's body was 7.62. This bullet was identified as being fired from the machine gun of one of the Berkut special forces fighters, who is wanted at the moment. They were all in masks, only a few people were identified." - comments the prosecutor Roman Psyuk."
The archived Google translation into English with the highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"The investigation established from which machine gun the bullet was fired and even found out who the weapon was issued to, but it is still unknown who fired the shot."

"The investigation established from which machine gun the bullet was fired and even found out who the weapon was given to. However, it is still unknown who fired.
Prosecutor Roman Psyuk noted: “The bullet that was removed from the victim's body was 7.62. This bullet was identified as being fired from the machine gun of one of the Berkut special forces fighters, who is currently wanted. They were all in masks, only a few people were identified. "
The archived Google translation into English with the highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
the archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"...there is a bullet, a weapon was installed, a person who owned this weapon was identified."
The archived Google translation into English with the highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website: archived Google translation into English:
"...I am fully familiar with my case: the fact of injury has been recorded, there is a bullet, a weapon has been identified, and the person to whom this weapon belonged has been identified."
The archived Google translation into English with the highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:
The archived Google translation into English:
"The investigation established from which machine gun the bullet was fired and even found out who the weapon was given to. However, it is still unknown who fired the shot.
The bullet that was removed from the victim's body was 7.62. This bullet was identified as being fired from the machine gun of one of the Berkut special forces fighters, who is wanted at the moment. They were all in masks, only a few people were identified." - comments the prosecutor Roman Psyuk."
The archived Google translation into English with the highlighted excerpt:

The original website:
The archived copy of the original website:

The archived Google translation into English:
"As for the evidence: there are many videos showing a person moving, what he is doing, what his actions are on February 20. Definitely she does not pose any threat to law enforcement officers, she does not violate public order, there is a clear video of her injury, a clearly defined place, a bullet that was removed from the victim's body, identified as being fired from a machine gun by a company soldier "Berkut, which is currently wanted," said Psyuk."
The archived Google translation into English with the highlighted excerpt:

"Чтобы люди были счастливы"

Це історія дуже сильного і доброго... - Майдан 18-20 лютого. Як усе було. | Facebook

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Майдан 18-20 лютого. Як усе було. - Posts

"Чтобы люди были счастливы"

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Справа про вбивства на Майдані: суд заслухав потерпілого львів'янина - YouTube

Суд у справі екс-беркутівців допитав потерпілого і переніс засідання на 2 грудня

Це історія дуже сильного і доброго... - Майдан 18-20 лютого. Як усе було. | Facebook

Потерпевший рассказал страшные подробности расстрела на Майдане (Видео)

Майдан генерала Захарченко. Специальный репортаж Анны Афанасьевой. - YouTube

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василь галамай - Google Search

Ivan Katchanovski is a falsifier of the Maidan massacre in Ukraine and contemporary history of Ukraine

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