Title: Let it Be Known Pairing: E/J Rating: PG Summary: Peter doesn't like secrets Timeframe: Takes place immediately after "Indeliable" Notes: For the fantabulous wolverinesand who gave me the idea
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Discomfited, Winston leaned toward Ray: "I think we definitely might have a lipstick sighting," he murmured.
"Ugh!" Peter frantically scrubbed at his head rather ineffectively with the sodden towel. "Slimer talked me into arm-wrestling him for the last blueberry muffin."
"Did you win?"
"Technically, yeah. But even winning feels like losing."
Thanks so much! I think Winston and Ray should take their act on the road and I am actually starting to like writing Peter a little bit! Baby steps ...
LOL, I am starting to really, really like writing Peter. I think he's so multifaceted, but that never really appealed to me before. And poor Winston! LOL. I love that man
LOL, yes, for some reason, I enjoy making Peter as blatantly sketch as possible at times (hey, he could be his father's son ... sort of). I like how this came out. I love Ray and Winston playing straight men to each other.
Comments 8
I am very repetitive, but it's your fault: you're a legend!
Discomfited, Winston leaned toward Ray: "I think we definitely might have a lipstick sighting," he murmured.
"Ugh!" Peter frantically scrubbed at his head rather ineffectively with the sodden towel. "Slimer talked me into arm-wrestling him for the last blueberry muffin."
"Did you win?"
"Technically, yeah. But even winning feels like losing."
Thanks so much! I think Winston and Ray should take their act on the road and I am actually starting to like writing Peter a little bit! Baby steps ...
"So Peter was right."
"Yeah." Winston scowled. "I hate when that happens."
*snort* I can't get enough of that part! HAHAHA!
You my dear, are amazing! <3
You my dear, are amazing! <3
*blushes* Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed!
Thanks so much for reading and the feedback!
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