Title: An Honest Mistake (Or: Five Arguments Sherlock and John Have Had, and One They Didn't) (4/6)
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Characters/Pairings: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson.
Rating: G
Genre: Drama, humor. Bickering. Occasional angst, fluff.
Word Count: 132 (chapter); 1371 (entire).
Summary: In which Sherlock and John fight, and John has a tendency to storm off. Featuring a crashed funeral, an exploded corpse, ruined jumpers, and more.
Notes: A self-challenge. Each drabble/ficlet was inspired by one line from "An Honest Mistake", by The Bravery. (YouTube:
Four: Abhorrent
sometimes... i forget i'm still awake
"-crashing a date, Sherlock! My date! With Laura! Our first date!"
"And? Isn't it better that you found out she was a degenerate gambler before you got a second one?"
John gapes at him for a long moment.
"You-God, you genuinely believe you've done me a favor, don't you?" He pinches the bridge of his nose. "You know, sometimes, I forget I'm still awake, because this is... It's like living in a never-ending waking nightmare."
"If you're referring to your abhorrent taste in female company, then yes, it is."
That startles a disbelieving bark of laughter from John.
"Right. Right, I get the feeling that was supposed to be flattering, Sherlock, but..."
"But it didn't work. At all. I need a drink. Somewhere else. Away from you. Don't wait up."
one |
two |
three | four |
five |