DRABBLE: Draw Me In. (Cedric/Oliver)

Jun 22, 2008 22:10

Title: Draw Me In
Author: Hi! =]
Pairing: Oliver Wood/Cedric Diggory
Table Prompt: 3. Stairway
Rating: PG-13. Sexual situations, but VERY vague.
Word Count: 100.
Summary: Something's not right.
Link to Prompt Table: is hereeee.

No one knows why the hidden stairway between the fifth floor and the second floor exists. It serves absolutely no purpose, considering it has the same number of steps as the Moving Stairs. God, Cedric wouldn’t even be able to begin fathoming why, but he doesn’t need to.

Not when Oliver’s running his calloused hands all over Cedric’s body, frantically attempting to rid Cedric of his school robes.

He’s been in this hallway before, in the same position, in the same predicament. I mean, not that Oliver was his boyfriend or anything, but hey.

Something keeps drawing them both in.

*dropped, user: to_hellxweride, *slash, pairing: cedric/oliver

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