A Gift for TheMightyFlynn: Wanna get lost in you (Harry/Regulus)

Dec 25, 2022 00:02

Author: the_kellephant
Recipient: themightyflynn
Title: Wanna get lost in you
Pairing: Harry Potter/Regulus Black
Rating: E
Word Count/Art Medium: 2470
Summary: Harry was twenty-five when he decided to pursue Regulus in earnest.
Author's Notes: I've never written Harry/Regulus before but it was a lot of fun! Hope you enjoy it <3

Harry was twenty-five when he decided to pursue Regulus in earnest. He had his Mastery in both Defense and Cursebreaking and worked for Gringotts in their Cursebreaking department. He’d lived on his own for ages and finally felt like a real adult.

Regulus Portkeyed back to England for Sirius’ 45th birthday party, looking as good as ever.

Ron rolled his eyes when he saw Harry zero in on Regulus as he stepped into the back garden of the house Sirius shared with his husband Remus.

“C’mon, mate,” Ron said, swatting his arm. “It’s a lost cause. He still sees you as a baby.”

Harry huffed. “I’m twenty-five,” Harry reminded him, hoping his fitted were enough to get Regulus’ attention. “We’re both adults. There’s nothing wrong with it.” He took a swallow of Firewhiskey as he watched Regulus hug Sirius and wish him a happy birthday.

Harry remembered the first time he thought of Regulus as something more than Sirius’ rarely seen brother. He was fourteen and just had his heart crushed by the painfully straight Cedric Diggory. Regulus made one of his rare trips from America for Yule. Regulus came waltzing in, wearing tight leather slacks and carrying gifts for everyone and Harry had never been the same. He gave Harry his first book on Cursebreaking and Harry fell in love, both with the book and the way Regulus’ arse looked in those tight leather slacks.

Not that anyone knew about it. Okay, so maybe his mum and Remus and all his friends knew, but his dad and Sirius didn't, which is how he wanted to keep it. But Harry was fine. He got over it, along with Cedric Diggory, and went on to date Anthony Goldstein for three years and Roger Davies for two years before declaring himself a bachelor.

(“You’re far too young to be a bachelor, Harry,” Hermione told him, her eye twitching the way it did when she was especially irritated. “There are plenty of fish in the sea.”

Harry rolled his eyes. “I don’t want a fish, Hermione, I want a man.”)

Since then, his mind had been on Regulus. Regulus spent most of his time in the United States, but often traveled to Mexico and South America, rarely coming back to England even for the holidays.

Harry wouldn’t say that he was obsessed except for the fact that he totally was. When he debated between going into Cursebreaking and pro Quidditch, he decided on Cursebreaking, much to the consternation of his father. Part of him felt closer to Regulus that way, and it gave him reason to to write Regulus under the guise of wanting his expertise.

But now Regulus was here and Harry was an adult, an adult with his own thriving career, and Harry badly wanted him.

“Hi,” Harry said after Regulus got done hugging Sirius. Regulus’ eyes widened, his eyes sweeping down Harry’s body, before he smiled and welcomed Harry into his arms.

“Look at you,” Regulus said as they pulled back. “You’re all grown up, Harry.”

Harry frowned. “We’ve been writing for years. You already knew that.”

Contrary to his Pureblood upbringing, Regulus shrugged. “You’re right, you are. You’ve been grown up for a while now, haven’t you?”

Harry just smirked, hoping his seven years in Slytherin house showed through. “Nice of you to finally notice,” he said, wearing a grin that he hoped didn’t betray the nervousness he felt.

Regulus’ lips twitched. They were the only two in a house full of Gryffindors (and Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs thanks to Hermione and Neville)

Regulus smiled, his arm wrapped around Harry. “It’s hard not to,” he said, his voice soft in Harry’s ear.

Harry bit lip to keep from moaning at the contact.

Regulus’ fingertips gently rubbed his arm until he pulled back. “Perhaps we can talk later?” he said.

Harry flushed, hoping that Regulus was thinking the same thing Harry was. “I’d like that.”

With a short nod, Regulus returned to the crowd.

“So,” Harry’s mum said as she sidled up next to Harry later that evening. “Regulus is back.”

Blushing, Harry turned to his mum. “That he is.”

Mum just smiled and wrapped an arm around her son’s shoulders. “And it’s obvious you still have a crush on him.”

“Oh, are we teasing Harry about his undying lust for Regulus,” Remus said, coming to stand on Harry’s other side.

“I-I,” Harry spluttered. “It’s not just lust.”

“I know, love,” Mum said, gently squeezing Harry’s shoulders. “I’ve known for a while.”

“You’ve been especially obvious tonight,” Remus mused. “I think even James and Sirius are beginning to pick up on it.”

Harry’s eyes darted to his dad and godfather who looked at Regulus with narrowed eyes as they talked.

“You two are the worst,” Harry said.

“You know, I’d prefer you were with someone your own age, but I know you’ve had feelings for him for a long time,” Mum said. “If he’s what you want and the feeling is mutual, then I say go for it.”

Harry whipped his head to the side, staring at his mum. “Really?”

“Mhm,” Mum said. “He’s a good man. You could do a lot worse, like with Davies.”

“He was the worst,” Remus said, grinning at Harry.

“Yeah, he really was,” Harry said before taking a sip of his Firewhiskey. That was two years of his life he’d never get back, though dating Roger did let Harry know what he didn’t want out of life.

“But what about dad and Sirius?” Harry asked. “There’s no way they’d approve.”

“They’ll get over it,” Mum and Remus said in unison.

“If anything happens between you and Regulus, if you two decided you want something more than just sex, we’ll talk to them, make them understand,” Remus said.

“Thanks you guys,” Harry said. “That means a lot.”

Regulus didn’t talk to Harry for the rest of the party and it hurt. Harry had given up hope by the time he tossed Floo powder into the fireplace when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Regulus peering down at him, his lovely gray eyes intense.

“Come to my place?” he asked.

Harry nodded and gestured for Regulus to step through. When he vanished, Harry tossed more Floo powder into the fire and stepped through into the apartment Regulus kept for when he stayed in England.

“Harry,” Regulus said, stepping up to Harry and tucking a curl behind Harry’s ear. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all evening.”

Harry snorted. “Reg, I’ve had a crush on you since before I figured out I was gay.”

Regulus gave Harry one of his rare smiles. “So we’re on the same page then.”

“If the page is you fucking me into the mattress tonight, then yeah, we’re on the same page,” Harry cheekily replied.

Regulus’ breath caught. “Merlin, Harry, you’re going to be trouble, aren’t you?”

“Only in the best possible way,” Harry said, stepping so close to Regulus that their chests nearly touched.

“I’m beginning to see that,” he replied in a soft voice before leaning down to press his lips against Harry’s.

Harry moaned into the kiss, his arms wrapping around Regulus’ neck as he pressed his body to Regulus’. Regulus grabbed Harry’s hips, gripping them tight enough that Harry groaned again and bucked his hips. He felt Regulus’ erection grow against his own and rubbed them together, relishing the knowledge that he was into it as Harry was.

“Bedroom?” Harry murmured against Regulus’ lips.

“Follow me, darling,” Regulus said, taking Harry’s hand and leading him down a short hall.

Harry didn’t even bother looking around the room when he followed Regulus inside, instead throwing himself on the bed and rolling onto his back. He crooked his finger at Regulus and said, “Get over here.”

Chuckling, Regulus said, “I had no idea you were so bossy, Harry.”

“Only in the bedroom,” Harry said, smirking.

“I look forward to finding out,” he replied. Regulus pulled out his wand and wordlessly spelled their clothes away, leaving them folded on a chair in the far corner.

“Fuck,” Harry said when the cool air hit his body. “Fuck,” he said again when his eyes trailed down Regulus’ body. He was lean and toned and gorgeous. “Merlin, please Regulus.”

Regulus took his time crossing the room, his eyes never leaving Harry’s face. When he reached the side of the bed, Harry’s hands rubbed up and down Regulus’ chest, pausing to pinch his nipples before grasping Regulus’ cock and pumping it.

“You’re quite the minx,” Regulus groaned. “I should have known.”

“I’m a Slytherin, Reg, you should know better.”

“I really should,” Regulus said, smiling. He swung his leg over Harry’s hips and rutted his cock against Harry’s as he leaned down to recapture Harry’s lips. Regulus took them both in his hand, pumping their cocks together.

“If you keep that up, I’m going to come before you even get inside me,” Harry said, groaning.

“Would that be such a bad thing?” Regulus asked. “You’re young; I can always make you come again.”

“Fine, fine,” Harry said.

Regulus just smirked and kissed his way down Harry’s chest and stomach until he reached Harry’s cock. He took Harry into his mouth, sucking on the tip before bobbing his head. Harry got lost in the feel of Regulus’ mouth on his and the way his fingers stretched him open. He pulled on Regulus’ hair. “I’m close,” he said, and Regulus swallowed him to the root just as Harry filled his mouth with his come.

“You taste so good, baby,” Regulus said, his voice so sweet. It made Harry feel wanted, feel loved. Regulus crawled back up Harry’s body and kissed him hard before he lined his cock up and slowly pressed inside, filling Harry. “You feel wonderful.”

“Fuck,” Harry moaned as Regulus’ cock stretched him further. He started slowly, sliding in and out of Harry at an excruciating pace.

“Faster, harder!” Harry cried.

“So bossy,” Regulus said, pressing a quick kiss to Harry’s lips before he threw Harry’s legs over his shoulders and picked up the pace.

Harry felt himself grow hard again as Regulus fucked him better than anyone every had. “Merlin, that feels so good.”

“You like that, love?” Regulus asked, snapping his hips forward, the head of his cock rubbing against Harry’s prostate with every thrust.

“Yes! I love it,” Harry groaned.

“Mm, good,” Regulus said.

It didn’t take long for Harry to come again, spurting in Regulus’ hand as he pumped him. Regulus followed shortly after, filling Harry with his come. Slowly, he pulled out of Harry and collapsed to the side. Harry waved his hand and cleaned them before rolling over and resting his head on Regulus’ chest.

“I forgot how magically strong you are,” Regulus said. “I’m sure you’re a real asset to Gringotts.”

“Bill said I got through the Mastery program faster than anyone in decades,” Harry admitted, tracing his finger over Regulus’ chest.

“Bill, huh?” Regulus asked, his voice strained.

Harry leaned up on his elbow, gazing down at Regulus. “You know, Ron’s older brother. Bill’s my mentor.” Harry bit his lip. “I don’t have feelings for him if that’s what you’re worried about, not like I do for you.”

Regulus reached up and cupped Harry’s cheek. “I lied to you earlier. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since Yule last year.”

Harry couldn’t keep the smile from his face. “Oh yeah?”

“Mhm,” Regulus said, running his hand up and down Harry’s slender back. “I tried everything to get you out of my head, even took lovers, but nothing worked.”

Harry chuckled. “I feel like I should be upset that you brought up other men you fucked while you’re in bed with me, but I’ve done the same thing too, tried to forget you by being with others.”

“Maybe we don’t have to seek the company of others any longer,” Regulus mused.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Harry asked, voice full of wonder.

Regulus tucked a curl behind Harry’s ear, something that Harry was finding inexplicably endearing. “I want you to be mine, Harry, and only mine.”

“I want that too,” Harry whispered. “But you live so far away.”

“There are ways around that,” Regulus said. “Portkeys. There’s also an opening at my firm. We’ve been looking for a good Cursebreaker for ages.”

“You want me to move with you to the United States?”

“Only if you want to,” Regulus said. “I know it’s soon, but we can come back to visit whenever you want. I know you’re close to your friends and family.”

“I’d love to!” Harry squealed, something he would deny to his dying day. “When can I interview?”

“Harry, my coworkers trust my judgment. They’d love to have you join the team.”

Harry knew he was supposed to be reassured, but something bothered him. “How do you even know I’m a good Cursebreaker? You’ve never seen me in action.”

“We’ve been corresponding for years, love. You’ve told me all about your cases. Besides, you aren’t the only person from home that I write. Everyone is so proud of you. You’re amazing at what you do,” Regulus said, his voice more earnest than Harry’d ever heard it.

“Oh,” Harry said, blushing. “In that case, I accept.”

The next morning they were awoken by an owl tapping at the window. Regulus groaned and rolled out of bed to retrieve the letter.

“What is it?” Harry asked sleepily.

“It seems we’ve been summoned for breakfast with your parents. And if I know my brother, he’ll be there as well.”

“Those busybodies,” Harry groaned, but rolled out of bed. He walked up to Regulus who’s hands immediately found Harry’s hips and drew him in. “What are we going to tell them?”

“I don’t want to keep you a secret, Harry.”

Harry smiled. “I don’t either. But my dad and Sirius, they’re going to be unbearable. Though Mum and Remus basically said that they approve so we’ll at least have them on our side.”

“Yes, they said the same to me last night.”

They traded kisses for a few minutes before they got ready for the day. Regulus let Harry borrow some robes that he cast a tailoring charm on and then they Flooed to Harry’s parents’ home in Godric’s Hollow.

“My own flesh and blood!” Sirius wailed when they stepped through.

“My own flesh and blood! The betrayal!” Dad wailed.

“That’s it, I’m leaving,” Harry said, grabbing Regulus’ hand and dragging him back to the Floo.

“Ignore them,” Remus said. “They’ve been in a tizzy since last night.”

“We had to remind them that you’re both adults,” Mum added. “Several times.”

“So is now a good time to tell you that I’m also moving to America?” Harry asked, head cocked to the side.

“You’re what?!”

*slash, .fic exchange: winter 2022-2023, pairing: harry/regulus

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