Drabble: There is a Hierarchy (Dolohov/Riddle)

May 22, 2008 13:43

Title: There is a Hierarchy
Pairing: Antonin Dolohov/Tom Riddle
Prompt: Mad world
Rating: G
Word Count: 397
Summary: The boys are sorted. Plans are voiced. It will not end well.
Author's Notes: I plan on making my prompts chronological up until Voldemort's final defeat.
Link to Prompt Table: As you wish.

There is a hierarchy, a law to Slytherin. These words echo in Antonin’s mind as he settles somewhat awkwardly at the Slytherin table. The older boys gaze at him like a predator to prey, and the girls ignore him. He shivers involuntarily and tries to concentrate on the Sorting Ceremony. He hopes Tom will also be in Slytherin but he thinks the other boy is too intelligen. It seemed the brightest went to Ravenclaw. Could he still talk to Tom if they were in separate Houses? He shivered again; he didn’t want to be in Slytherin alone.

The names pass by in a blur. A Mulciber joins the table and sits across from Antonin. The older boy next to him repeats the warning: There is a hierarchy, a law to Slytherin. Mulciber nods. Antonin tries to catch his eye, but the other boy sits as if dumb, staring at his hands, already resigned to whatever lay in store. Moments later a Nott arrives and takes a seat next to Mulciber, smiling. Someone nudges Mulciber none too gently and the boy dully repeats the mantra. Nott’s smile fades and he turns to look at the older Slytherins. Antonin waits.

The Hat announces “Tom Marvolo Riddle!”

Antonin watches the boy stride confidently over to the high backed chair and take his seat. Tom is smiling, but not like the other first years. His smile betrays a knowing, a cunning, and Antonin understands just before the sorting hat shouts, “Slytherin!”

More polite clapping and Tom takes the seat next to Antonin, who in turn allows relief to wash over him.

“We’ve done well,” Tom whispers. “This is the greatest House in Hogwarts.”

Antonin feels a prod at his own back. “They want me to tell you, there is a hierarchy, a law to Slytherin.”

Tom turns his head slightly to consider the rest of the table. Unlike the other first years, he seems unconcerned, down right bored. His eyes seem to flicker over every boy at the table and Antonin feels a jolt of excitement shoot up his spine.

“Yes, I believe there was” Tom says softly. “But it is time for a change, my friend. You stick with me and you will see what we can accomplish.” Tom nods at the first years across from him, who stare wide-eyed back. “Let us see where this mad world stands tomorrow.”

*dropped, pairing: antonin/tom, user: yinepu, *slash

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