Festive fun: Love and Affection, Charlie/Lee

Dec 10, 2021 02:59

Title: Love and Affection
Pairing: Charlie/Lee
Prompt: snowed in
Length: 335 words
Rating: PG13
Warnings: none
Summary: The rest of the time they spent snowed in consisted of nothing but showing how much they loved and cared for one another.
Notes: this is also for the up to 50 pairings challenge, and December writing month.

Love and Affection )

user: sirmioneforever, *slash, pairing: charlie/lee, .fest: festive fun 2021

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Comments 1

articcat621 January 5 2022, 18:17:25 UTC
I don't know if I've ever read these two together, but this was sweet <3


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