A Gift for keyflight790: last call, Hannah/Neville

Jan 08, 2021 23:17

Author: darkhairedgirl
Recipient: keyflight790
Title: last call
Pairing: Hannah/Neville
Rating: R
Word Count: 2518
Summary: Hannah and Neville navigate a late night at the Leaky Cauldron. It goes better than she expected.
Author’s Notes: Many, many thanks to my beautiful beta, S, who took time out of her busy schedule to look this over for me. Happy holidays, keyflight790! I really ( Read more... )

*het, user: darkhairedgirl, pairing: neville/hannah, .fic exchange: winter 2020-2021

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Comments 4

mollywheezy January 9 2021, 01:58:39 UTC
I love your Neville and Hannah! I LOLed at the whole doorknob discussion. ;)


darkhairedgirl January 13 2021, 21:14:10 UTC
Thank you so much! I have a hard time with ~sexy~ dialogue so I erred on the side of "funny," and I'm glad you thought so, too! <3


articcat621 January 16 2021, 16:50:01 UTC
Oh my gosh, this was deliciously hot! The banter and flirting back and forth, well done! Xx


darkhairedgirl January 19 2021, 15:01:32 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)


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