A Gift for articcat621: Under the Mistletoe, Hermione/Charlie

Jan 06, 2021 15:11

Author: flipflop_diva
Recipient: articcat621
Title: Under The Mistletoe
Pairing: Hermione/Charlie
Rating: PG-13
Word Count/Art Medium: 2,500 exactly
Summary: The Weasleys’ annual Christmas party promises to be full of mistletoe and ample opportunity for Hermione to finally share her first kiss with Charlie. That is, if she can ever stop accidentally snogging other people ( Read more... )

*het, user: flipflop_diva, .fic exchange: winter 2020-2021, pairing: charlie/hermione. *het

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Comments 1

articcat621 January 11 2021, 18:43:35 UTC
Oh my heart, I loved this sooo much. Literally this is everything I could have hoped for when I left this prompt. Thank you!! <3


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