Title: The Orb
kellychamblissPairing: Hagrid/Olympe and three surprise pairings
Rating: G
Prompts: Ornaments, gala/ball
Word Count: ~2150
Summary: On the day of the Christmas Feast, Hagrid worries that Hogwarts is not festive enough. But he has plans to fix things. Set during HBP.
Author's Notes: My thanks to the mods for a fun fest. I wish a magical
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Comments 8
Lovely to see so much happiness. 😊😊😊
How right you were. :-)
It's rare to see Hagrid written as well as he is here. I love the voice you give him. He's such a good fellow, which comes through so beautifully here, without the condescention that so often dogs this character in fic (and sometimes in the original stories.)
Well, well, well! Professor McGonagall! Who would have thought?
*Waves hand like Hermione in Potions class* Me! Me!
I’m sure Fang is the politest of dogs. When he isn’t distracted.
To have a plan, like, the way Dumbledore did.
Right from this line, I was in love with your voice for Hagrid. So perfectly done, and this Hagrid is perfection. King-sized perfection, rather than the occasionally oaf-sized version in the books.
It was easier to feel festive if you were surrounded by sparkling lights and soft falling snow and brilliant towering Christmas trees. My idea entirely. Too bad the bow-truckles were so uncooperative.
And to see if she was going to be free on New Year's Eve I have a very strong feeling that the answer will be ‘yes’. Perhaps even ‘yes, please.
This Orb of Christmas Pleasure is such a delight, and I’m glad to see you’re not obsessed by giving the Orb one colour, but allow it to be whatever it wants and needs to be. Who needs chocolate, or even obsidian or emerald ones, when one can have all this?
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