Title: Halloween Chills, or a Treatise on Interhouse Relations During the Autumn Holiday Season
Character Pairing: Draco/Terry
Prompt: did you hear that?
Rating: PG
Word Count: 512
Summary: Part the Thirteenth, in which everything gets all wrapped up in a neat little Halloween bow.
Author's Notes: LAST ONE, WOO! And with only ten days to spare
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Comments 2
Good job. :) I liked... catching up to all of these, hehe...
Thank you for reading all of these, I always enjoy getting comments from you. And yeah, Pansy would definitely keep being annoying and trying to break these two up! I'm sure if I were sticking to canon Draco would ruin the relationship anyway by joining the Inquisitorial Squad and breaking up the DA meetings, not to mention the whole Death Eater thing...but I prefer to pretend that doesn't happen in this version of the universe. Just lots of silly Slytherin vs Ravenclaw antics. XD
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