DRABBLE: My Boyfriend's Present (Oliver/Cedric)

Aug 03, 2008 00:28

Title: My boyfriend's present
Author: to-hellxweride
Pairing: Oliver Wood/Cedric Diggory
Prompt: By the book
Rating: PG-13. References to sex.
Word Count: 337
Summary: Oliver doesn't like to be ignored...
A/N: This is quite a silly drabble. But quite fun. =]
Link to Prompt Table: Right heree!

Cedric was studious.

That was something Wood had to deal with everyday.
And for the most part, he considered Cedric’s focus on academics rather frustrating instead of helpful.

The fact that Cedric put schoolwork so high up on his list of priorities, Oliver drew the conclusion that he must not be of any significance or importance anymore.

And that greatly irked Oliver.

He liked to think Cedric would be well aware of this and would learn to balance his duties as a boyfriend and as a student.

Oliver would try all sorts of methods to break the Hufflepuff down; like trying to feel him up while he sat in the library doing research for his Potions essay, or sometimes he tried to catch Cedric with his smoky eyes from across the Great Hall where his younger boyfriend simultaneously ate his lunch and read up on his Transfigurations textbook.

Because, face it, Oliver was getting sexually frustrated.

But then came to him the greatest idea to ever grace his mind: if his boyfriend seemed to be physically unable to let go of his books, well then, the Gryffindor would just have to buy him one.


By the time Cedric returned to the Hufflepuff dormitories from the library, the night neared midnight. He climbed the stairs to his dorm room, shrugging off his robes while his mind wandered around in circles, but then spotted a red and gold package lying on his mattress. Cedric cracked a smile; only his boyfriend would wrap a present in such obnoxious colors.

Hurrying to open his unexpected gift, he plopped down onto his plush bed, picking up the package. As he began to tear the paper away, he slowly discovered a book of some sort. Turning the book over, he suddenly realized what it was and turned immediately tomato-red and shoved the hardback under his pillow, hoping none of his roommates could see through the dark from their beds.

He was so going to kill Oliver for giving him the Karma Sutra.

*dropped, user: to_hellxweride, *slash, pairing: cedric/oliver

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