DRABBLE: Opposites Attract (Oliver/Cedric)

Jul 30, 2008 18:08

Title: Opposites Attract
Author: to-hellxweride
Pairing: Oliver Wood/Cedric Diggory
Prompt: To both extremes
Rating: PG.
Word Count: 554
Summary: What Harry didn't know.
A/N: So yeah. This drabble has even moreso nothing to do with Oliver. Sorry! I'll get there! =P
Link to Prompt Table: Right heree!

Harry likes to think he’s a pretty observant guy. He likes to think that he’s pretty conscious of his friends’ happenings.

Like Hermione, he knows that she sat that Potions exam and that she’s worried out of her mind because she could’ve potentially earned the worse score in her entire academic career.

But even then, her worst score could top Harry’s best any day.

And Ron, he knows that his best friend is actually scared because his brothers Fred and George are going to attack him in his sleep for losing both beater sticks.

But Harry knows that as long as Ron climbs into his bed and moves his pillow to the left, he’ll find what his twin brothers will want to slaughter him for.

Or Angelina, he knows that she’s ecstatic because she’s just received word that her father’s gotten a promotion at work and Marcus Flint asked her out last week.

So yeah, Harry likes to think that he’s got it all under control; that there’s nothing about him that would make him seem like a bad friend.

However, what Harry discovered just by walking past the empty Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom is turning his world right upside down.

Which is not good.

Because when you see your quidditch captain backing Hufflepuff’s own captain AND your rival on the field, into a wall so that he can leave hickeys all over Cedric’s unbearably beautiful and glowing skin, you’re supposed to do a double-take.

Which Harry did, and then ran away.

He wonders how he could’ve missed something so epic, so tremendous and so significant.

It doesn’t make sense; if Harry had interpreted Wood correctly, and he likes to think he did, Oliver would be the furthest person to be interested in boys, let alone Cedric. Wood was Harry’s captain and guide for the wizard-sporting world. Wood was going to end up in the pros and on the walls of every aspiring quidditch player or in the May pin-up of “Hottest Pro-League Men” calendars.

And Cedric, well, he was going to continue with his years at Hogwarts, he was going to ace all of his OWLs and his NEWTs, all the while managing to make girls swoon with just a small grin. Then he was going to end up in Auror Academy, training to become one of the wizarding world’s most appreciated auror and aid Harry in his quest to put an end to Voldemort once and for all.

It just didn’t make sense. Cedric and Oliver weren’t right for each other: they were complete opposites, people who would never associate with each other on a regular basis.

But then Harry realizes that maybe, just maybe, that was what made them so compatible. Oliver and Cedric just clicked. They made no sense at all that they actually made sense.

So Harry calms down a little bit, and feels a bit relieved to not have any conflicting thoughts about it. Cedric and Oliver are together, and they are happy.

And as Harry looks up from his Transfiguration essay, he smiles as Oliver Wood quickly crosses the common room, scurrying towards his dorm, face flushed and a few unidentifiable marks upon his exposed collarbone.

Then he frowns when he sees Fred and George come in.

Harry gulps. Ron is in big trouble.

*dropped, user: to_hellxweride, *slash, pairing: cedric/oliver

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