DRABBLE: Oliver Is Staring Again (Oliver/Cedric)

Jul 29, 2008 21:40

Title: Oliver Staring Again!
Author: to-hellxweride
Pairing: Oliver Wood/Cedric Diggory
Prompt: Idiosyncrasies
Rating: PG - no vulgar language, just... sandwiches?
Word Count: 307
Summary: Oliver is staring again...
A/N: I realize that most of my drabbles are really, heavily focused on Cedric way more than Oliver, but please bear with me, I will get to the Oliver Wood goodness! =]
Link to Prompt Table: Right heree!

Oliver will never cease to understand him.

He's Cedric; he's a first year student, a bumbling mess, a bundle of nerves. He's the boy who gets so shy that he turns as red as a tomato or keeps his eyes to the floor when he walks the corridors, because really, who would want to talk to useless, boring Cedric Diggory?

But he's also the boy who is young and pure at heart, trustworthy and loyal. He's intelligent, reliable, and not to mention the cutest boy to ever dorn Hufflepuff colors or a set of Hogwarts robes.

Then there are Cedric's peculiar habits, his unusual quirks.

His idiosyncrasies.

Like the way Cedric eats all the contents of his sandwich before devouring the bread.

Or the way he has to spin his cup ninety degrees clockwise before he takes his next sip.

Or maybe the way he alternates between eating one chip and then taking a bite of his sanwich... or whatever part he's eating at the time.

And how about the way he wipes his mouth from left to right and then right to left? [Twice to ensure he doesn't miss any crumbs.]

And as Oliver continues to observe the object of his affection, the man of his desires, he realizes how the Hufflepuff's idiosyncrasies only make him all the more adorable.

So Oliver sighs, and rests chin upon the butts of his palms as he stares at the first-year from across the Great Hall. If Angelina and Katie's snicker is anything to judge by, he's pretty sure his face right now says, "I've got an unreasonable school-girl crush on Cedric Diggory!". Which sucks, because Wood really doesn't enjoy being read like a book.

Oliver's really got to get a grip on this silly little crush thing. This isn't getting him anywhere.

Stupid Cedric and his idiosyncrasies.

*dropped, user: to_hellxweride, *slash, pairing: cedric/oliver

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