Sep 28, 2022 08:01

Hello everyone WE'RE BACK again this year with the RAREPAIR_SHORTS's HALLOWEEN MONSTER MASH.

This will be a low pressure fest which runs from the 1st-31st October. The format and rules are quite simple and very limited. We have a list of 40 Halloween themed prompts (see below) for you to choose from. There are three levels (easy, medium, and hard) and each level has a different amount of prompts. If you pick the easy level then you just pick one prompt from the list, medium level, you pick two prompts, and hard level you pick three or more prompts form the list (below.)

Every prompt must be in the the fic or art some way - it can be inspired by them or actually present in it, the choice is up to you.

Please use this post to sign up. Just reply to the post below and tell us what you're doing. "Easy, Medium, or Hard, and your pairing."

E.g. "Medium, 2 prompts, pairing: Hannah/Hermione." That's it. And when you're done w/ your entry, you come back and leave another comment and let us know if you're doing another fic or art. YOU CANNOT REPEAT PROMPTS. Your comments are NOT screened. Other people can see what you're going to do and HOPEFULLY will cheer you on!

In the Subject line of your post, please use the following format:
Monster Mash: Title of fic (Pairing)
e.g. Monster Mash: An Unfortunate Coincidence (Ginny/Blaise)

In the body of your posts, please use the following format:
Word Count: (Remember, no less than 200 and no more than 2500!)

If you go over 2500, we won't be angry, we'll just send you to the DARK FOREST. Kidding. Mostly.

Here is the code you must copy and paste as your HEADER for each entry.

Word Count:

(Please use the LJ-CUT or a link to your on your journal or ao3).

You need a total of four tags on each post - the usual three tags plus the tag ".fest: monster mash 2022". Some of your tags might not exist yet, so we'll add them for you - don't worry about that. Please email us if you need a tag, or comment on this post. Our email is: rarepair.shorts.mod@gmail.com

tags are, for example: *het, .user:digthewriter, pairing: ginny/blaise, .fest: monster mash 2022

Other things you need to know:

1. You can choose any pairing you want so long as its not on this list: (ON LJ / DW).
2. The minimum word count for this fest is 200 words, and the maximum is 2500 words.
3. You may sign up as many times as you want, but we do ask that you complete your previous prompt before signing up for another one.
4. Signups will close on the 30th October 11:59 GMT to give you chance to complete a piece before the fest ends.
6.This fest is low pressure so if you sign up but can’t complete it for any reason you will not be penalized in any way. We understand that real life can get hectic and you’re not always able to post.

Ask questions below. POSTING BEGINS ON OCTOBER 1 ENDS ON OCTOBER 31, 11:59PM in your time zone.
[THE PROMPTS]1. All hallows eve
2. trick or treat
3. cornish pixies
4. raising the dead
5. costume parties
6. I put a spell on you - from Hocus Pocus
7. vengeful spirits
8. noises in the dark
9. masquerade
10. the witching hour
11. black cats
12. haunted house
13. candy/sweets
14. carving pumpkins
15. ghost tour/s
16. scared of the dark
17. Jack-o-lantern
18. monsters under the bed
19. full moon
20. vampires
21. inferi
22. Monster - Lady Gaga
23. thinning of the veil between the living and the dead
24. watch you step
25. floating candles
26. werewolves
27. bobbing for apples
28. the graveyard at midnight
29. did you hear that?
30. Thriller - Michael Jackson
31. divination rituals
32. traditions from around the world e.g dia de las muertas
33. feel like you're being watched
34. something in the corner of your eye
35. scarecrow
36. bodiless voice/s
37. Dementors
38. the shrieking shack
39. ghosts
40. monster mash - bobby pickett

Your fic/art can be funny, fluffy, scary, horror, comedic, open ended, anything you'd like, but it must be complete. No WIPs. If you decide to post it on AO3, use the collection here.

!ask questions here, .fest: monster mash 2022, !mod post

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