A Gift For Maraudersaffair: Countdown Claiming (Bill/Hermione, NC-17)

Dec 31, 2021 13:13

Author: sirmioneforever
Recipient: maraudersaffair
Title: Countdown Claiming
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Bill Weasley
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 1100
Summary: At the Weasley’s New Year’s party Bill and Hermione find a connection.
Author's Notes: Dear maraudersaffair, I really hope you like this. I loved your prompts and tried to combine as many as I could.

Bill sipped his Firewhiskey and savoured the burn.

It was the only thing which seemed to calm the wolf inside him during the full moon. Even though he wasn’t a full werewolf that transformed, he still had some wolfish traits including the fact that he wanted a mate.

The floo flared to life and the one woman his wolf wanted more than anyone else walked out.

Hermione Granger looked gorgeous in a figure hugging black, knee length dress. Her honey curls hung loosely around her shoulders and framed her face perfectly.

Over the past few years she had grown into a beautiful woman, and he knew that he wasn’t the only one who had noticed. Many men seemed to fawn over her, but Bill noticed that she paid no attention to them.

Harry and Ron greeted her warmly and gave her tight hugs, followed by his mother.

It might sound corny but he thought she brightened up the room with her presence. Even with all the Christmas decorations and lights glaring all around them, there was something different about her. Something he couldn’t put his finger on.

From the corner of his eye he saw Hermione walk his way after greeting everyone else, but didn’t acknowledge her until she sat next to him.

“Hello, Bill! How are you?” she asked.

“I’m good, what about you?”

“Not too bad.”

The two of them sat in the corner for most of the night talking and laughing about all the funny things that had happened over Christmas.

“- do you know what he said next? ‘Well you better hurry up otherwise she might be married before you ask her out!’” Hermione shook her head as she recounted the tale.

The tinge of jealousy felt like acid on his tongue. Bill knew that Hermione would settle down one day, but he hoped there was a chance for him.

“What was Malfoy’s face like?” he asked.

“He just stood there looking mortified. I’m sure he doesn’t feel that way for me - I mean he has been seeing Astoria Greengrass- but it was awkward,” she admitted.

“Here you go,” Mr Weasley said. handing the both of them a small glass of Firewhiskey. “It’s nearly midnight and Molly wants everyone to have a drink if they can.”

Not a minute later the countdown started and when the clock chimed Bill and Hermione turned to each other, and instead of drinking they kissed.

It was hot and full of sexual tension.

When they broke apart they stared at each other for a moment before Bill looked around the room to see if they would be missed. When he noticed that they wouldn’t be, he led Hermione out to the back porch.

His wolf was demanding that he claimed her after their kiss moments ago and he could only hope that she would be receptive to his advances.

Pushing her against the wall just outside the door, Bill kissed her fervently and Hermione could not help but moan into it.

The sound stirred his blood, and he kissed her even more aggressively.

They broke apart gasping for air moments later.

“I need you, Hermione,” Bill growled.

His wolf had finally come to the surface, and it only made her want him more.

“Then take me,” she said, breathlessly.

A rumble escaped his throat before he started devouring her mouth again.

Hermione slipped her arms around his neck and pressed herself up against him.

“I need you to be quiet, love. Can you do that for me?” Bill asked, breaking the kiss.

Hermione nodded.

As much as he loved his family, Bill did not want them to interrupt them.

“Good. I want you to pull your knickers down, and stand with your legs apart a little.”

She did as she was asked, and Bill heard her gasp as he ran his tongue along her nether lips.

He parted them slowly and explored her sex more with his tongue

After a rather loud moan he pulled away, looked into her eyes, and said, “Remember our agreement?”

“Y-yes,” she said shakily.

He dived back in and renewed his efforts. This time he added a finger to her hot, wet channel whilst his tongue concentrated on her clit.

“More,” she whispered after a few moments.

He added a second finger and thrust the both of them hard and fast into her, like he wanted to do with his cock. When Bill felt her tremble he sped up his ministrations until she came in his mouth. She tasted nice and tangy.

Standing back up again, Bill hoisted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He positioned his cock at her entrance and sheathed himself with one quick thrust. The feeling of her warm, tight walls around him felt amazing. His wolf was howling inside. This was what he wanted from the instant he saw her again two years ago.

“Are you okay?” he murmured, after letting her adjust to him for a moment.

“I’m fine. You can carry on,” Hermione replied.

The pace was slow at first until she urged him to take her harder.

“You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Yes, I do. I want you, every part of you,” she replied breathlessly.

Sensing that she wasn’t lying, Bill let go of his inhibitions and slammed into her.

The change of pace and force made Hermione tip her head back and moan.

Even though he had told her to be quiet earlier, neither of them remembered now they were taking their pleasure.

“Bill…oh. Don’t stop, I’m so close,” she whined.

He felt the flutter of her walls around him before they clamped around his cock as her orgasm took over. It was only a few thrusts later that he felt his own release coming and spilled himself inside her.

The pair stayed where they were catching their breath, and when they had Bill slipped out and missed her warmth instantly.

They dressed in silence, but before they went in, Hermione said, “Bill…that was amazing. Thank you for not holding back.”

“It was nice not to have to,” he admitted.

He had scared off Fleur with how aggressive he could become in the bedroom after his attack. It wasn’t all about how fast he could go, but also how his instincts took over. Sometimes it led to him being more forceful which left bruises, or made her sore. Fleur couldn’t handle it and left.

“If you ever need someone to help out, I’m here,” she said before going back inside.

Bill stood there unable to believe what Hermione had said. Maybe if he took her up on the offer it might lead to something else. He hoped so because now his wolf had a taste of her he didn’t want to let her go.

.fic exchange: winter 2021-2022, *het, pairing: bill/hermione

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