A Gift For FlipFlop_Diva: A Christmas Disaster (Hermione/Pansy, PG-13)

Dec 29, 2021 12:48

Author: ARTICCAT621
Recipient: flipflop_diva
Title: A Christmas Disaster
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 645 words
Summary: When Hermione disappears from the Parkinson holiday party, Pansy knows exactly where to look for her.
Author's Notes: Thank you to my beta for looking this over. flipflop_diva, I hope you enjoy this little bit of angsty sweetness.

“I thought I’d find you here."

Turning, Hermione smiled sadly at Pansy as she came to sit next to her at the bar. “You know I’m a sucker for the Leaky," Hermione said. “And Hannah’s always a great listener." She sent the barkeep a look of appreciation.

“Shite, Hermione, I’m so sorry," Pansy said, reaching over and placing her hand on Hermione’s leg. “I knew my parents were going to be horrible, but I didn’t realise it was going to be so bad." She sighed.

Hermione placed her hand over Pansy’s. “I know your family's opinions don’t change anything, but I’ll admit after the sixth ‘Mudblood’ comment, I couldn’t take it anymore. I snapped at your grandmother then slipped out."

Truthfully, neither of them had expected the Parkinson holiday party to go well, especially since it was their first outing as an official couple. But the amount of bigotry that they experienced was astonishing. Hermione had been nearly in tears, and Pansy had gotten into more arguments than she had anticipated.

“It didn’t take long for you to notice I left," Hermione said, laughing dryly. She took a sip of her drink before clearing her throat and looking at Pansy.

“I noticed right away," Pansy said sincerely. “How could I not? I just had to hash it out with my parents before I left." She let out a tired sigh. “Next year, we’re definitely going to Australia to stay with your parents. Do you think they’ll mind me coming?"

“If you’re sure…" Hermione bit her lower lip, trying not to let her insecurities show. Would they even be together by next Christmas after the disastrous night they both had. However, Pansy gave her a look and she knew that she failed to hide her inner thoughts.

“Hermione, my family doesn’t change how I feel," Pansy repeated Hermione’s own words back to her. “I love you," she reassured her, her voice firm and unwavering.

“Even though your parents don’t approve of us?" Hermione looked at Pansy worriedly.

“Yes," Pansy said firmly. She gave Hermione’s hands a squeeze. “Listen, we knew it wasn’t going to be smooth, but it doesn’t change things for me. I still want to be with you." She paused, eyes wide. “Unless my parents really scared you away?"

Hermione laughed nervously. “No, no, of course not." She squeezed Pansy’s hand back. “No obstacle could keep me from you." Leaning forward, she pressed a light kiss on her lips.

“Good." Pansy sat back. “Hannah, can I get some Odgen’s over here?" She waved Hannah over. “Maybe some chips, too. Or whatever the special was for dinner tonight." She looked at Hermione. “Make it two - I’m sure this one hasn’t eaten anything."

Hannah laughed. “Coming right up! Let me just tell the cook."

Frowning, Hermione looked at her. “You should go back to your house," she told her, feeling guilty for Pansy being with her instead of at her home. “Just because I don’t want to be around your family doesn’t mean you have to miss out, too."

Pansy scoffed. “Trust me, Hermione, it’s no hardship to not be there." When Hannah came over with a glass, she grinned. “Besides, Hermione, we’re spending Christmas together. I don’t care where we are or who we’re with, as long as we’re together."

“I like to think I’m not terrible company," Hannah piped up from further down the bar as she tended to another customer.

“You’re not!" Pansy shouted.

“You’re lovely!" Hermione added, lifting a glass in a toast to Hannah.

“Food should be up in a moment," she said before disappearing into the back.

Picking up her glass, Pansy clinked it against Hermione’s own. “Happy Christmas, Hermione," she said, smiling warmly.

“Happy Christmas, Pansy." Taking a sip, the two of them spent the rest of night enjoying their holiday without a care for what anyone else thought.

.fic exchange: winter 2021-2022, *femslash, pairing: hermione/pansy

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