Signups are now closed
It's finally time to sign up for the Winter Exchange. Under the cut is the signup sheet, and all the rules etc can be found in
this post along with the submission headers.
Signing Up Sheet
Email Address:
LJ name of someone you trust (and can keep a secret) that the person creating your gift can contact with questions about your preferences:
Are you willing to be a pinch-hitter if need be?:
Preferred medium: Fic/Art
Top five (or so) pairings you'd like to receive:
Desired rating of your gift:
Situations, genres, prompts, things, etc., you want: Be specific!
Situations, genres, things, etc., you DON'T want: Again, it only helps to give as many details as you can. Include squicks.
Preferred Medium: Fic/Art
Femmeslash, Het, Slash. Which of these are you willing to write/draw?:
Highest rating you will write/draw:
Characters and genres you can or would like to write:
Situations, ships, characters, genres, etc., you CANNOT or would NOT like to write: Include squicks.
Any additional writing strengths: (optional)
Copy the form here:
YouYouName:Email Address:LJ name of someone you trust (and can keep a secret) that the person creating your gift can contact with questions about your preferences:Are you willing to be a pinch-hitter if need be?: ReceivingPreferred medium: Fic/Art
Top five (or so) pairings you'd like to receive:Desired rating of your gift:Situations, genres, prompts, things, etc., you want: Be specific!
Situations, genres, things, etc., you DON'T want: Again, it only helps to give as many details as you can. Include squicks.
GivingPreferred Medium: Fic/Art
Femmeslash, Het, Slash. Which of these are you willing to write/draw?:Highest rating you will write/draw:Characters and genres you can or would like to write:Situations, ships, characters, genres, etc., you CANNOT or would NOT like to write: Include squicks.
Any additional writing strengths: (optional)
To sign up, post a comment on this post (this one that you're reading right now) with the information required above. All comments are screened.