A Gift For Flipflop_diva: On the Balcony, (Pansy/Daphne, PG)

Jan 02, 2017 19:40

Recipient: Flipflop_diva
Title: On the Balcony
Pairing: Pansy/Daphne
Rating: PG
Word Count: 640
Summary: Pansy reflects on being in love with her best friend
Author's Notes: I hope you enjoy this! I adore this pairing so it was fun to write <3

Daphne Greengrass is beautiful.

Pansy watches her dance, sees her dirty blonde hair and the joy in her hazel eyes. Her flimsy black dress clings to her every curve, and all the men in the room are drawn to her.

Pansy is not beautiful. She knows her nose is too wide, and her black hair is thin and wispy. Daphne is way out of Pansy's league, but then who is in Daphne’s league?

God, Pansy wants her.

Pansy had previously thought that Draco breaking up with her would be the most heartbreaking thing she'd experience, but it's far worse being in love with her best friend.

Daphne could have her pick of anyone, and she would never go for Pansy. They'd been best friends since they were eleven, after all, when they'd both sneered at the shoes Hannah Abbott was wearing during the Sorting Ceremony.

They'd stayed friends through everything, so it wasn't fair to expect Daphne to cross the boundary that Pansy had left behind long ago.

Pansy can't stand to watch Daphne any longer.

Forgoing her coat, Pansy steps out onto the chilly balcony, and looks at the stars sparkling above the snowy mountaintops of the French Alps.

Just a few hours earlier they had been skiing down those slopes, and had reached the bottom red-cheeked and laughing.

Pansy wraps her arms around herself to hold off the cold. When she goes back inside she'll taunt that lanky boy who thinks he stands a chance with Daphne, because Pansy's always been good at hiding her insecurities with scathing remarks, hurting people before they can hurt her.

The door to the balcony opens, the heavy thud of music audible for just a moment before the door closes again and the beat becomes muffled.

Pansy doesn't turn around, not until she feels a hand on her shoulder.

"Pansy?" It's Daphne, and Pansy can't deny that she’s surprised to see her.

"I thought you'd be enjoying the party," Pansy states simply.

"You've looked nothing but miserable all night," Daphne says, leaning over the balcony as she lights a cigarette.

"I thought you'd given up," Pansy points out, allowing herself a smile.

Daphne shrugs. "I gave up giving up.”

In the moments when Daphne shows flaws, Pansy loves her all the more.

Daphne blows a bloom of smoke from the side of her mouth, and holds her cigarette between her long fingers. The tip is stained pink from Daphne’s pastel lipstick, smudged across the white.

They stand in silence until Daphne finishes her cigarette and dabs it on the railing before tossing it over the side. It falls into the inky darkness, and then there is just the two of them stood side-by-side. Daphne’s arm brushes Pansy’s, and Pansy shivers at the touch.

“You must be freezing,” Daphne exclaims, turning towards Pansy. She unwraps the silver shawl she had the sense to bring out with her, and wraps it around Pansy instead.

They are standing close together now, and Pansy has to look up to see Daphne properly. Daphne has always had legs that go on for miles, and it had taken Pansy a long time to decide whether she wanted to have legs like Daphne’s or be between them. In the end she settled on both.

Daphne smiles down at Pansy softly, and cups Pansy’s cheeks in her hands. Pansy barely dares to breath as Daphne lowers her head and presses her lips to Pansy’s.

Kissing Daphne is everything Pansy had hoped it would be and more. Daphne’s lips are soft and taste like vanilla and cigarettes. The silver shawl falls from Pansy and floats away in the breeze, entirely forgotten as Pansy clutches onto Daphne instead. There is nothing else that matters in that moment; just the two of them.

Even if this only lasts for a moment, Pansy is happy.

*het, pairing: daphne/pansy, *femslash, .fic exchange: winter 2016-2017

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