DRABBLE: An effort (Gabrielle/Ginny)

Jan 07, 2015 10:22

Title: An effort
Character Pairing: Gabrielle/Ginny
Prompt: perhaps
Rating: G
Word Count: 270
Summary: Ginny seeks Gabrielle's advice.
Author's Notes: This is so very flangsty... No particular warnings, there is discussion around heteronormativity but nothing that should be triggering. I have to thank rhaneofterror for being my cheerleader and beta :3
Link to Prompt Table: HERE

You can also read this fic on Ao3.

Gabrielle was comfortably settled in an armchair reading. Ginny took in the sight of her; she always looked so lovely while reading, tousled hair, glasses, and her features so focused.

“About dinner…”
“What about it?”
“Erm, what do you think I should wear?”
Gabrielle looked up, her face painted with what seemed to be a mixture of amusement and perplexity.
“We’re going to dine with your family, Gin… It’s not like there is a dress code.”
“Don’t be like that. I just thought perhaps…”
“Perhaps what?”
Gabrielle took off her reading glasses and stared at Ginny.
“Well, perhaps I could… make an effort, and- look, this dress-“
“An effort to do what exactly? Appear more feminine so your mother will be less likely to scowl because you didn’t marry the saviour of the Wizarding World, but instead chose to shag a French girl just like your big brother did?”
“Look, Ginny, pretty girly dresses might very well look lovely on you. But if you’re going to wear some, do it for you, not as an apology for being a lesbian.”
Ginny averted her eyes. Gabrielle’s voice softened as she continued;
“You never wear dresses, Ginny. I’m really not saying you shouldn’t. But don’t do it as an attempt to please anyone but you, I’m serious.”
“Okay. Thank you for the clothing advice.”
The sarcastic comment was accompanied by a weak smile, and Gabrielle smiled back encouragingly.
“You’re welcome, love.”
She got up and embraced Ginny, kissing her neck softly.
“It’ll be fine. I’ll make sure you’re fine. I promise.” She murmured, and Ginny relaxed into the hug.

user: nearlyconscious, *femslash, pairing: ginny/gabrielle

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