DRABBLE: Open Laughter (Ginny/Astoria)

Aug 20, 2012 13:15

Title: Open Laughter
Character Pairing: Ginny/Astoria
Prompt: elusive
Rating: PG
Word Count: 250
Summary: Astoria giggles.
Author's Notes: The fifth of the set.
Link to Prompt Table: http://bluemermaid.livejournal.com/116133.html

Astoria giggles, and Ginny grins at the sound. It isn't often that Astoria will give in and laugh so sweetly. There is always a smile on her face, but it so rarely cracks into giggles. Ginny is proud to have elicited the elusive sound.

"Oh, such a tease you are," Astoria says playfully, laughing still as she touches Ginny's arm. Her fingers are so light.

"He didn't know I was married," Ginny says. "Can you believe that? Anyone on this planet who hasn't seen that in the news has got his head pretty far up his own arse, don't you think?"

"You must give the poor chap some leeway," Astoria replies, her giggles subsiding to leave behind that same old enigmatic smile on her face. "It is rather easy to forget."

Astoria becomes painfully aware of the fact that her hand is resting on Ginny's arm, the freckled skin warm under her fingers. Ginny's smile is fading, her thoughts tumbling. She can't remember what they were just talking about.

"So how is your latest article coming?" Astoria's tone is light, her eyes flicking away as she quickly lifts her hand away to grip her teacup. Ginny grimaces, and launches into yet another litany of excuses for her lack of writing. They slide away from one another, frightened of what may happen should they crash together. What they truly seek shall remain as elusive as Astoria's open laughter.

*femslash, pairing: ginny/astoria, user: bluemermaid

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